Child-Friendly City(儿童友好城市ér tóng yǒu hǎo chéng shì):A"Child-Friendly City"is a city,town,community,or any system of local governance committed to fulfilling child rights as articulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.Itaims to become a place where children"are safe and protected from exploitation,violence,and abuse;have a good start in life and grow up healthily and cared-for;have access to essential services;experience quality,inclusive and participatory education and skill development;express their opinions and influence decisions that affect them;participate in family,cultural,city/community and social life;live in a clean,unpolluted and safe environment with access to green spaces;meet friends and have places to play and enjoy themselves;and have a fair chance at life regardless of their ethnic origin,religion,income,gender or ability."