
护士心理资本、职业获益感与留职意愿结构方程模型的构建 被引量:21

Construction of the structure equation model of nurses'psychological capital,occupational benefit and willingness to stay
摘要 目的运用结构方程模型统计学方法构建护士心理资本、职业获益感与留职意愿的关系模型,探究三者间的作用机制,并结合护士心理资本和职业获益感现状探讨相应的干预措施,以期提升护士留职意愿。方法2019年5-6月,方便抽样法选取广东省421名护士为研究对象。采用心理资本问卷、职业获益感问卷与留职意愿问卷对研究对象进行调查和数据分析。结果护士心理资本、职业获益感、留职意愿之间具有相关性(r=0.689~0.738,P<0.001);结构方程模型显示,职业获益感对留职意愿影响的总作用为0.851,其中直接作用0.594,中介作用为0.258,职业获益感对留职意愿的影响中存在显著的中介作用,心理资本的中介作用成立。结论心理资本与职业获益感对留职意愿有正向预测作用,且心理资本为职业获益感与留职意愿关系中的中介变量。医院护理管理者应完善支持体系和制度切实提升护士职业获益感,同时要重视心理资本的正性激励作用并采取相应的干预措施,以提高护士留职意愿,稳定护理队伍,促进护理学科发展。 Objective To construct the relationship model of nurses'psychological capital,professional benefit and retention intention by using structural equation model statistical method,to explore the mechanism of action among them,and to explore the corresponding intervention measures in combination with the present situation of nurses'psychological capital and professional benefit,in order to improve nurses'retention intention.Methods In May~June 2019,421 nurses in Guangdong province were selected by convenient sampling method.The subjects were investigated by psychological capital questionnaire,occupational benefit questionnaire and retention intention questionnaire.Results There was a correlation between nurses'psychological capital,sense of professional benefit and willingness to stay(r=0.689~0.738,P<0.001).The structural equation model showed that the total effect of occupational benefit on retention intention was 0.851,of which the direct effect was 0.594,the mediating effect was 0.258,the influence of occupational benefit on retention intention was significant,and the intermediary role of psychological capital was established.Conclusion The psychological capital and the sense of professional benefit have a positive predictive effect on retention intention,and psychological capital is the intermediary variable in the relationship between the sense of professional benefit and retention intention.Hospital nursing administrators should improve the support system and system to enhance nurses'sense of professional benefit.At the same time,they should pay attention to the positive incentive effect of psychological capital and take corresponding intervention measures to improve nurses'willingness to stay in office,stabilize nursing team and promote the development of nursing discipline.
作者 方敏 何燕娴 余海洋 郭涛 余飞 Fang Min;He Yanxian;Yu Haiyang;Guo Tao;Yu Fei(General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command of PLA,Department of Nephrology,Guangzhou Guangdong 510010;General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command of PLA,Department of Nursing,Guangzhou Guangdong 510010;General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command of PLA,Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,Guangzhou Guangdong 510010;General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command of PLA,Department of Naval Diving and Air Force Medical Service,Guangzhou Guangdong 510010;General Hospital of Southern Theatre Command of PLA,Department of Hyperbaric Oxygen,Guangzhou Guangdong 510010)
出处 《护士进修杂志》 2021年第23期2117-2123,共7页 Journal of Nurses Training
基金 广东省护理学会护理科研课题(编号:gdhlxueh2019zx020)。
关键词 结构方程模型 心理资本 职业获益感 留职意愿 Structural equation model Psychological capital Occupational benefits Willingness to remain
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