对不同波段LED激发下,聚合物SU-8/聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)光波导进行了光吸收性能的研究。在中心波长为310,365,405,525 nm LED以及808 nm激光器的泵浦下,研究了聚合物SU-8/PMMA光波导对1064,980,635 nm信号光的吸收性能。实验结果表明:聚合物SU-8波导在蓝紫光LED泵浦作用下光衰减较强,光衰减会随着泵浦光波长的红移和波导尺寸的减小而变弱;在截面尺寸为5μm×5μm,长度为2 cm的聚合物SU-8波导中,当采用1064 nm激光器作信号源,功率为50 mW的310,365,405 nm LED激发下,光强衰减分别达91.7%、48.3%、26.7%;在525 nm LED和808 nm激光器激发下,光强能够保持基本稳定;PMMA波导在LED激发下光强无衰减现象。因此,在蓝紫光LED激发下的聚合物SU-8光波导放大器的研究中,应使用单模小尺寸波导、小功率LED泵浦来有效避免光强的衰减;在PMMA光波导放大器中更易实现光信号的放大。
Objective The amplification function that describes an optical signal can be realized in rare-earth-doped polymer optical waveguide amplifiers based on the stimulated radiation of rare-earth ions when they experience excitation at the pump source.As an active device,polymer optical waveguide amplifier can be integrated with multiplexer/demultiplexer,beam splitter,optical switch,and other devices to compensate for various losses in the optical field that may occur during device transmission.To fabricate optical waveguide amplifiers,we typically use an SU-8photoresist polymer and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)as the doping matrices for rare-earth ions.Further,to ensure population inversion of the produced rare-earth ions,pump sources are usually required.A majority of the research spanning the past three decades has focused on selecting semiconductor lasers as the pumping sources.Compared with the end-coupled pumping method using semiconductor lasers as its pumping source,the use of a lowpower and low-cost light emitting diode(LED)is a new development trend that can effectively solve the problems of up-conversion problems and polymer waveguide damage caused by high-power semiconductor laser pumping(200--400mW)sources.Additionally,this development greatly reduces the commercialization costs involved in fabricating these devices and is expected to replace the traditional pumping method of semiconductor lasers.The absorption of the pump source by the polymer matrix material directly affects the gain performance of the rare-earth-doped polymer optical waveguide amplifier.However,SU-8and PMMA materials are seldom reported to negatively impact absorption performance during the excitation of ultraviolet(UV)-visible LEDs.Based on this point,we utilized SU-8and PMMA materials in a core layer and fabricated these materials via lithography and reactive-ion etching processes to form passive polymer optical waveguides.We demonstrated the absorption characteristics of polymer optical waveguides with pump sources derived from fou
Xue Jiabi;Lai Shouqiang;Liu Xin;Zhang Dan(School of Electronic Science and Engineering(National Model Microelectronics College),Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian 361005,China)
Chinese Journal of Lasers