文章通过阐述城市轨道交通区间Wi-Fi应用的发展历程,分析最新版本Wi-Fi 6的技术特点、技术优势、部署方式等内容,结合深圳市轨道交通20号线对当前城市轨道交通区间Wi-Fi 6的应用场景进行说明,并对未来Wi-Fi 6在城市轨道交通区间的应用场景需求进行探讨。
In this article,through an explanation of the development history of Wi-Fi application in urban rail transit sections,the technical features,technical advantages,deployment methods,etc.of the latest version of Wi-Fi 6 are analyzed and the application scenario of Wi-Fi 6 are explained in combination with the current urban rail transit section of Shenzhen rail transit line 20 and the application scenario requirements of Wi-Fi 6 in the urban rail transit in the future are explored.
Modern Urban Transit