研究目的:城市轨道交通系统的运营管理愈来愈注重对乘客的各种信息服务,所以,与地铁乘客信息相关的乘客信息系统摆在了地铁工程建设的重要位置。通过研究和探讨,并结合当前地铁的应用特点,提出可选择适合地铁乘客信息系统中的车地无线技术。研究结论:通过对WLAN、WiMAX、Mesh 3种传输技术的研究分析和比选,采用WLAN无线局域网技术,即可实现地铁列车与地之间的双向高速通信,也可满足列车在高速运行状态下的数据传输要求,是目前技术条件下兼具先进性、实用性及可靠性的一种地铁车地无线实时多媒体信息传输方式。
Research purposes: The operation management of modern urban transport system pays more and more attention to the service of passengers, and establishment of the passenger information system servicing the passengers is placed in a key position in subway construction. Through the research, the proposal is made that the wireless technology can be chosen for the subway passenger information system. Research conclusions:Through the analysis and comparison of the three wireless technologies of WLAN, WiMAX and Mesh, application of WLAN technology can realize the bi - high speed telecommunication for subway between train and the station of subway, which is the most advanced, practical and reliable real - time telecommunication mode that can satisfy the communication for high - speed train of subway.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society