

On Students Initiative Development in Private-funded Universities——From the Perspective of Whitehead s Self-Development
摘要 当前我国民办高校大学生在学习、生活、角色发展和人际交往等方面均存在一定程度的主动性欠缺,使个人主动发展在外部支撑、目标、动力和方法等方面存在问题。结合怀特海自我发展教育思想的内在生成逻辑,可以通过创设自由开放的环境、加强理想信念教育、倡导愉快而有趣的生活、培养科学的思维方法等途径提升民办高校大学生的主动性发展能力。 Currently,students in Chinese private-funded universities are in general lack of initiative in study,life,role development and interpersonal communication,causing problems in the external support,goals,motivation and methods of individual initiative development.Referring to the internal generating logic of Whitehead s thoughts of self-development,it is believed that the initiative development of the students can be improved through the creation of a free and open environment,the education of ideals and beliefs,the advocation of a happy and interesting life,and the cultivation of scientific thinking methods.
作者 赵玉莲 ZHAO Yulian(Shanghai Sanda College,Shanghai 201209,China)
出处 《扬州大学学报(高教研究版)》 2021年第5期78-84,共7页 Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)
关键词 民办教育 怀特海 自我发展 主动性发展 private-funded education Whitehead self-development initiative development
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