
湿地植物生长对去除富营养化水体总氮和硝氮的影响 被引量:6

The effects of growing wetland plants on the removal of total nitrogen and nitrate from a simulated eutrophic water
摘要 为了认识湿地植物对富营养化水体的改善效果,为富营养化水体的植物修复提供依据,进行了模拟富营养化水体种植6种挺水植物、3种浮叶植物和6种沉水植物的水培实验,并测定了培养期间水体总氮和硝氮的含量变化.结果表明,水体总氮浓度随植物生长时间总体上呈下降-回升-下降的变化趋势,水体硝氮浓度则随生长时间而下降,尤其是6种挺水植物生长下水体硝氮浓度均与生长时间呈显著的负指数相关.这说明湿地植物生长既能吸收水体中的氮,也会向水体释放氮,但不会向水体释放硝氮.挺水植物的总氮去除率变化范围为22%~86%,浮叶植物为38%~80%,沉水植物为35%~99%,均以栽培20 d时的去除率最高,去除率都在75%以上.供试植物对硝氮的去除率在10 d时达到64%以上,20 d时达到83%以上.无论是对总氮的去除率还是硝氮的去除率,均呈现出沉水植物>浮叶植物>挺水植物的趋势,但三类植物总氮去除率的差异在后期,而硝氮去除率的差异在前期.总之,本实验结果表明,供试湿地植物具有较强的去除水体氮的效果,短期种植湿地植物和优先选择沉水植物更有利于去除水体氮. In order to understand the efficiency of wetland plants on water quality improvement and provide supporting evidence for water eutrophication restoration using wetland plants,this study investigated nitrogen removal efficiency of wetland plants and changes in the content of total nitrogen and nitrate in a simulated eutrophic water where 6 emerged plants,3 floating plants and 6 submerged plants were cultivated.The results showed that the total nitrogen content in the water fluctuated over time with a trend of downward-upward-downward,while the nitrate content decreased consistently over time.In the water where six emerged plants were grown,there was a negative exponential correlation between the water nitrate content and plants growing time.This result suggested that the growth of wetland plants could both absorb nitrogen from water and release nitrogen into water,but could not release nitrate into water.With the range at 22%~86%in emerged plants,38%~80%in floating plants and 35%~99%in submerged plants,the removal rate of total nitrogen by the wetland plants were the highest at 20 d and more than 75%.The wetland plant removal rate of nitrate was more than 64%at 10 d and 83%at 20 d.For both total nitrogen and nitrate,the order of the removal rate was submerged plants>floating plants>emerged plants.Among the submerged plants,floating plants,and emerged plants,the difference in total nitrogen removal efficiency was significant at late cultivating stage but that in nitrate removal efficiency was significant at early cultivating stage.In conclusion,the wetland plants in this study have a strong capability of nitrogen removal and short-time planting wetland plants especially the submerged ones will be the best choice for nitrogen removal from eutrophic water.
作者 梁玉婷 杨星宇 杨兰芳 李妮娅 LIANG Yuting;YANG Xingyu;YANG Lanfang;LI Niya(Wuhan Institute of Landscape Architecture, Wuhan 430081, China;School of Resource and Environmental Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China;Wuhan SINOECO Ecological Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430063, China)
出处 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第6期644-652,共9页 Journal of Hubei University:Natural Science
基金 武汉市园林和林业局科研项目(2018[28])资助。
关键词 总氮 硝氮 去除 富营养化水体 湿地植物 total nitrogen nitrate removal eutrophic water wetland plants
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