卵巢是卵泡发育及成熟的场所,是维持女性特征及孕育新生命的器官。年龄因素引起的卵巢衰老是无法抗拒的事实,然而临床上因卵巢功能减退(diminished ovarian reserve,DOR)而就诊的年轻患者日益增多。DOR不仅影响女性的生育能力,还增加了心血管、骨质疏松、抑郁等疾病的发生率,影响女性的生理及心理健康。女性在40岁之前发生DOR称为早发性卵巢功能不全(primary ovarian insufficiency,POI)综合征。关于POI导致的患者生育能力降低问题已经成为生殖领域的热点和难点。目前,POI的主要治疗方式是激素补充。维生素D(vitamin D,VD)是一种脂溶性甾体类激素的前体,其影响卵巢的储备功能,可以促进卵泡发育和卵母细胞成熟。因此,本文将从卵泡的招募、卵泡的生长发育和卵巢的免疫性损伤等方面探讨VD与POI患者卵巢功能的相关性。
The ovary is the place where the follicle develops and matures,it is the organ that maintains the female characteristic and breeds new life.Ovarian senescence caused by age is an irresistible fact.However,more and more young patients are being treated for diminished ovarian reserve(DOR)in clinical practice.DOR not only affects women’s fertility,but also increases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases,osteoporosis,depression and other diseases,affecting women’s physical and mental health.DOR occurs in women before the age of 40 is called premature ovarian insufficiency(POI).The problem of patients reduced fertility caused by premature ovarian dysfunction has become a hot and difficult issue in the reproductive field.At present,the main treatment for POI is hormone supplementation.Vitamin D(VD)is a precursor of fat-soluble steroids,which affects ovarian reserve function,promoting follicle development and oocyte maturation.This paper reviews the relationship between VD and ovarian function in POI patients from the recruitment of follicles,growth and development of follicles and the immune damage of ovary.
ZHANG Tu-shen;WANG Fang(Department of Reproductive Health and Infertility,Guangdong Women and Children Hospital,Guangzhou 511400)
Journal of Reproductive Medicine