孙杨案先后历经国际泳联、国际体育仲裁院、瑞士联邦最高法庭与国际体育仲裁院重新仲裁等多个程序,国际体育仲裁院最终作出禁赛4年3个月裁决。孙杨方仍然在法理与逻辑上保留着向瑞士联邦最高法庭再次申请撤裁审查并获得重新仲裁的可能。采用文本分析法、历史分析法、案例分析法解读案涉焦点条款即《世界反兴奋剂机构检测和调查国际标准》第5.3. 3条,认为该条至少存在3种解读定性:模糊规则、不义规则和旧规则,对此可逐一回应以有利运动员解释、创设新例衡平拨正既往先例,以及通过"有利溯及"的时际规则3种仲裁维权之道,借此可打破"失衡的天平"的两难逼仄,一方面尘封既往传统,不予追溯干扰;另一方面则可从既往传统中解放出来,自由且合乎正义地对孙杨案或类似案件作出经得起历史考验的仲裁裁决。研究表明:不论案件能否启动再裁程序,该案所涉规则的理解与适用具有超越个案的普遍意义,应作为反兴奋剂仲裁案的经验遗产得到理性检讨,推动反兴奋剂规则的完善、运动员权利保障与竞技公平。
The case of WADA v. Sun Yang and FINA went through several procedures of FINA,the CAS,the Swiss Federal Supreme Court and re-arbitration by the CAS. The CAS finally issued a 4-year and 3-month ban. Sun Yang retains the legal and logical possibility of reapplying to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court for a review of the dismissal and a re-arbitration from the CAS. Text analysis,historical analysis and case study are employed to interpret the key clauses involved in the case,that is,Article 5.3.3 of the WADA International Standard for Testing and Investigations(ISTI). This article has at least three characterizations:vague rules,unjust rules and outdated rules,and each of them can respond to the three ways of winning the arbitration by clarifying the old rules through interpretations,breaking the past traditions by creating new examples and applying the new rules retroactively,thereby breaking the"Broken Balance"dilemma. For one thing,the past traditions will not be retroactively interfered with,and for another,they will be liberated from the past traditions to make a free and just arbitral award that can stand the test of history. The conclusion is that,regardless of whether the case can be re-arbitrated,the understanding and application of the rules involved in this case have universal significance beyond individual cases,and should be reviewed rationally as a legacy of anti-doping arbitration cases to further improve anti-doping rules,and protect athletes’ rights and the fairness of competition.
ZHANG Chun-liang;HOU Zhong-min(School of International Law,Southwest University of Political Science of Law,Chongqing 401120,China)
Journal of Beijing Sport University