
对近现代西方“民主”的批判性思考 被引量:2

Critical Thinking on Modern Western“Democracy”
摘要 长期以来,西方的"民主"被人们视为榜样,但近些年来却引起了人们的质疑,因为它显露出许多弊端,如在其国内导致分裂和混乱,在国际上也留下干涉别国内政的恶名。本文就是想以批判的态度来思考,以使大家对之有一个清醒的认识,从对它的盲目崇拜中解放出来。从而以客观和科学的态度思考"民主"问题,并正确地构建我国的民主法治国家。首先比较系统、简要地介绍西方国家近现代"民主"的主要观念和现实,然后揭露了其理论中深层次存在的许多缺陷。如在其人性论基础上,是以人的个性、自然性而不是以社会性、道义性作为思考的出发点,因而把人的本质归结为"自由",把人的本性说成是"恶"的,并以此思考国家权力的源泉、性质和运行规律,得出执政者均为动物、"无赖",因而其执政活动,包括"民主"活动,均遵循的是"丛林法则"的错误结论。他们不懂得人除了具有自然性外,更具有社会性和道义性,而国家正是基于这一属性为了克服人的自然性缺陷而创造的一种社会机制、"民主"是国家运行中一种比较理想的原则和模式。失之毫厘,差之千里。其民主理论的出发点错了,其"民主"的现实能不走向歧途! For a long time, "democracy" in the West has been regarded as an example, but in recent years, it has aroused people’s doubts because it has revealed many disadvantages, such as leading to division and chaos in its own country and leaving a notorious name for interfering with other countries’ internal affairs in the international community.This article attempts to think critically so that we can have a clear understanding of western democracy and liberate from its blind worship. Thus, we can think about "democracy"objectively and scientifically, and build a democratic country ruled by law correctly. First of all, this paper systematically and briefly introduces the main concepts and reality of modern "democracy" in western countries, and then exposes many defects in its theory. For example, on the basis of the theory of human nature, the author takes human personality and naturalness rather than sociality and morality as the starting point of thinking. Therefore, he attributes human nature to "freedom" and regards human nature as "evil". Based on this, he considers the source, nature and operation law of state power, and concludes that the rulers are all animals and "rogues",so his ruling activities include "people". The"main" activities all follow the wrong conclusion of "jungle law". They don’t understand that human beings have more sociality and morality than naturalness. Based on this attribute, the state creates a social mechanism to overcome the natural defects of human beings. "Democracy"is an ideal principle and mode in the operation of the state. The slightest error is a thousand miles away. If the starting point of the democratic theory is wrong, how can the "democratic" reality not go astray?
作者 严存生 YAN Cun-sheng(School of Criminal Law,Northwest University of Political Science and Law,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710063,China)
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期16-40,共25页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(17VHJ005)。
关键词 西方 民主 批判 the West democracy criticism
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