
槲寄生的本草考证 被引量:7

Textual Research on Visci Herba
摘要 槲寄生是我国常用中药。古代本草大多将槲寄生与桑寄生同作桑上寄生或桑寄生记载,使得这2种中药在本草中多为混淆,基原难以明确,临床上也一直有两药混用的现象,因此有必要进行系统深入的考证。该文以历代本草为基础,结合现代植物形态,对槲寄生的基原、产地、品质评价、采收加工、性味功效等方面进行了考证,为槲寄生的开发利用提供参考依据。经考证可知,唐以前,槲寄生多记载为桑上寄生;自唐朝出现槲寄生之名;宋代以后出现了两种寄生的记载;至1977年版《中华人民共和国药典》才将槲寄生与桑寄生正式列为2种中药,并明确了槲寄生的基原为桑寄生科植物槲寄生Viscum coloratum。古本草中记载槲寄生的产地为河南灵宝和江苏徐州等,后逐渐北移,主产于东北及华北等地。古代以寄生在桑树上、断面深黄、果实汁液黏稠者为佳,常于三月三日春季采收,阴干,用铜刀将其与根、枝、茎、叶细锉,不可见火。现多为冬季至次春采收,除去粗茎,切段,干燥,或蒸后干燥。古本草中桑上寄生味苦、甘,性平,有追风湿,坚肾,助筋骨,益血脉,安胎元的功效,与现代祛风湿,补肝肾,强筋骨,安胎元的功效基本一致。 Visci Herba,a commonly used Chinese medicinal,was often mistaken as Taxilli Herba in ancient Chinese materia medica. The two Chinese medicinals have often been confused even in present clinical practice,and their origins are difficult to be identified. Hence,it is necessary to carry out systematic and indepth textual research. This paper explored the origin,producing area,quality evaluation,harvesting and processing,property,flavor,and efficacy of Visci Herba based on ancient Chinese materia medica of the past dynasties and modern plant morphology,so as to provide evidence for the development and utilization of Visci Herba. The findings demonstrated that Visci Herba was mostly recorded as Taxilli Herba until the name of Visci Herba appeared in the Tang Dynasty. The records of the two Chinese medicinals could be traced back to the Song Dynasty. Visci Herba and Taxilli Herba were officially listed as two different Chinese medicinals in the 1977 edition Chinese Pharmacopoeia for the first time,where the origin of Visci Herba was determined to be Viscum coloratum(Komar.)Nakai. According to the ancient Chinese materia medica, V. coloratum was mainly distributed in Lingbao,Henan province and Xuzhou,Jiangsu province and now it mostly grows in Northeast China and North China. In ancient times,Visci Herba with deep yellow cross-section and sticky fruit juice on the tree was preferred,which was often harvested on 3,March in spring,dried in the shade,grinded together with the roots,branches,stems,and leaves using the copper file,and preserved away from fire. By contrast,it is now usually harvested from winter to the next spring and then cut into sections for drying after the removal of thick stems,or dried after being steamed. As described in ancient Chinese materia medica,Visci Herba,bitter and sweet in flavor,neutral in property,possessed the effects of dispelling rheumatism,tonifying kidney,strengthening sinews and bones,benefiting blood vessels,and preventing abortion,basically consistent with its modern functions of di
作者 徐瑾 詹志来 廖天月 王开元 万晶琼 魏渊 欧阳臻 XU Jin;ZHAN Zhi-lai;LIAO Tian-yue;WANG Kai-yuan;WAN Jing-qiong;WEI Yuan;OUYANG Zhen(School of Pharmacy,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;School of Food and Biological Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第15期124-131,共8页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302)。
关键词 槲寄生 本草考证 基原 产地变迁 品质评价 采收 性味功效 Visci Herba textual research origin change in producing area quality evaluation harvesting property flavor efficacy
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