Unmanned logistics has become the development trend of global logistics industry.The problems of forklift position⁃ing,navigation and independent cargo handling need to be solved.The application of visual pose estimation to unmanned logistics industry is a new and hot research direction.In this paper,the relative position and relative attitude of fork and fork hole in the pro⁃cess of forklift handling goods are taken as the research object,and the relative six dimensional pose of fork and fork hole is solved based on PnP algorithm.In this paper,the Aruco cooperation mark is used.Firstly,the coordinates of the corner image are extracted and processed by linear algorithm direct linear transformation to obtain the relative six dimensional pose of the two.Then,it is used as the initial value to optimize the six dimensional pose by using the bundle adjustment,and the reprojection error model function is constructed.The Gauss Newton method is used to carry out multiple least square fitting iterations,and the final high precision rela⁃tive pose of fork and fork hole is obtained.
FAN Lusheng;ZHANG Jingyuan;WANG Weiru;WU Peizhang(Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430000;713 Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited,Zhengzhou 450015)
Ship Electronic Engineering