研究了T6热处理工艺对A35 6铝合金半固态成形件力学性能的影响 ,并应用光学显微镜与透射电镜对金相微观组织和第二相化合物的沉淀析出状况作了进一步的研究。结果表明 ,固溶温度对半固态铝合金A35 6成形件力学性能的影响是原始强化相溶解与强化相析出的综合结果 ,并且后者在热处理中起主要作用。也研究了不同时效参数对成形件硬度的影响 ,随着时效时间的增加 ,强化相的不断析出 ,硬度不断提高 ,当到一定的程度 ,热处理出现过时效 ,强度又开始降低。
The effect of the T6 heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the product of A356 Aluminum alloy through semi solid casting has been studied in the paper. The microstructure and precipitation have been observed by optical microscopy and TEM. It is shown that the effect of solution temperature on mechanical properties of the product is the result of the solution of low melting point phase and precipitation in the age, and the later plays more important role. The effect of aging parameter on the hardness of the product has also been studied in the paper: The longer the aging time is ,and the more the precipitation is ,and the hardness increase continuously .To some extent ,the improvement is stopped and then the hardness begins to decrease. Meanwhile the mechanism of the difference of mechanical properties in T6 heat treatment has also discussed.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)