In 1535, the 14 th of Jiajing period, the government of Ming Dynasty permitted the independence of imperial civil examination in Guizhou, which created favorable conditions for the growth and development of talents in Guizhou.However, the officials and gentries in Guizhou made arduous efforts to strive for the independence of imperial civil examination, which have gone through a long process. In this process, Deng Tingzan and apos;s great contribution for the initiation is great and significant. This paper discusses the topics as following: firstly, carding the development of cultural education in Guizhou from the perspective of historical time and space, in order to clarify the historical context of Guizhou and apos;s struggle for independence of imperial civil examination;secondly, making textual research on historical materials,and identifying the ambiguity, to establish Deng Tingzan and apos;s status as the originator of petition of independent imperial civil examination in Guizhou;thirdly, analyzing the reasons of Deng Tingzan and apos;s petition, such as the basis of ideological and cognitive, factors of spiritual and emotional, etc;then, discussing the long process of Gui Zhou and apos;s officials and gentries continued to strive for the independence by the Deng Tingzan and apos;s spirit and finally obtained the Emperor’s approval;lastly, summarizing the great influence of the division of imperial civil examination in Yunnan and Guizhou on the cultural development, border governance and the reform of the imperial examination system.
Deng Tingzan
Yunnan and Guizhou
The division of imperial civil examination