IEC闪变仪归一化模块的时变输出特性改变了矩形调制幅度,导致严格依据IEC 61000-4-15设计的闪变仪线性测试规程越限,不满足IEC 61000-4-30 A级闪变仪的要求。为此提出一种新的闪变归一化方法:后修正法。该方法的主要依据是:闪变测量精度决定于电压有效值的精确测量。该方法首先用本次10 min测试时间内第1个10工频周期有效值作为归一化系数对信号进行初步归一,进而根据IEC标准模块2-5的要求对瞬时闪变最大值和短闪进行初步计算,最后10 min采样结束时,将所有10工频周期有效值取平均,并用该平均值对瞬时闪变最大值Pinst和短闪Pst按照特定公式进行修正。后修正法不改变矩形调制幅度,方便装置移植,实验仿真表明,采用后修正归一化法的闪变仪不仅通过了IEC 61000-4-30 A级闪变仪线性测试规程,而且通过了IEC61000-4-15 F1级闪变仪所有测试规程。
The time-varying output characteristic of the IEC flickermeter’s voltage adaptor changes the rectangular modulation amplitude, which results in the flickermeter, designed strictly according to IEC 61000-4-15, failing to meet the linearity test requirement of IEC 61000-4-30. A new scaling method for flicker measurement, therefore, is proposed, namely Post-Correction Method. The main basis of the method is that the accuracy of flicker measurement depends on the accurate measurement of voltage RMS. In this method, the first 10-cycle RMS is obtained by synchronous sampling within the 10-minute testing time as a scaling factor. And thenthe maximum Pinstand Pst are calculated according to the Block 2-5 requirements of IEC standard. Finallythese 2 values and the mean of the 10 10-cycle RMS in 10-minutes are corrected with specific equations. The post-correction method does not change the amplitude of rectangular modulation. The simulation results show that the flickermetercorrected with this new method not only passes the linear test case required in IEC 61000-4-30, but also passes all the test cases of F1 flicker required in IEC 61000-4-15.
XIONG Jiefeng;CHENG Guilin(School of Electric Power Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,Jiangsu Province,China)
Power System Technology