人类的生存繁衍依赖于人们之间的相互合作,合作与冲突行为的研究近年来成为心理学的研究热点。本研究通过实验程序操纵Chicken Game中博弈同伴的特点,考察个体在社会困境中面对不同特点同伴时的合作行为。结果发现:(1)同伴道义论组和功利论组总和解率没有显著差异,同伴竞争组和合作组的总和解率也没有显著差异。(2)在与道义论以及合作型的同伴互动时,个体的行为没有明显受到上次博弈反馈的影响。(3)当同伴为功利论时,相比于上次博弈个体选择和解而同伴选择进攻,双方都选择和解时个体在当前博弈中更倾向于和解;(4)在同伴竞争组中,相比于上次博弈个体选择进攻而同伴选择和解,双方都选择和解时被试在当前博弈中会更倾向于和解。实验结果表明个体在博弈任务中会受到同伴特点的影响,并且同伴在博弈中的行为特点的影响更为显著。本研究从同伴特点来考察个体的合作行为,揭示了影响个体博弈行为的一种因素。
In real life,people always interact with persons of different characteristics.The result of social interaction not only depends on the characteristics of the individual itself,but is also affected by another participant.People can form a social perception of another person according to his/her moral choice or judgment.They will also actively perceive the behavior tendency of strange opponent in the previous interaction,and then use the information of peers to predict the future behavior of their peers.This study investigates cooperative behavior of individuals which interact with opponents of different characteristics.People may change their own interactive strategy according to the moral tendency(deontology or consequentialism)and behavior pattern of others.This study shows the opponents’moral orientation(deontology and consequentialism)before the game,or by setting up the cooperative type(cooperative or competitive)of the opponents in the interaction.This study assumes that when individuals perceive that opponents are more competitive than themselves,people will rationally choose cooperation to avoid more losses,whereas in the face of relatively cooperative opponents,will choose more aggression to make their own greater benefits.Individuals will not only form a certain social perception of their peers according to the game situation in all previous rounds,and use this information to determine the choice of the current round,but may also determine the choice of their current round according to the results of the recent,that is,the last round.The influence about outcome of previous round to current round is concerned.In this study,two between-participants Chicken Game were designed to investigate this issue.Participants played the games with different"opponents"and maximized their own gains.In Experiment 1,the participants first perceived the opponent as deontology or consequentialism through the opponent’s answer about the moral dilemma,and then carried out Chicken Game,the opponent’s decisions were random
Wang Xiaohui;Zhang Libin;Peng Ming(School of Psychology,Central China Normal University,WuHan,430079;Key Laboratory of Adolescent cyberpsychology and behavior,Ministry of Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,430079)
Journal of Psychological Science