在基坑放坡开挖地下水控制中,止水帷幕对基坑的影响主要有以下两点:(1)水泥土抗剪强度高,提高了边坡稳定性;(2)水泥土止水帷幕止水,将形成较大的水压力,降低了边坡稳定性。对于哪一种影响因素占主导尚需讨论。现以厦门某引水干渠基坑为例,基于PLAXIS 2D有限元模拟进行探讨研究。研究结果表明:止水帷幕增加了土的刚度,对于基坑稳定和位移都有积极的影响;止水帷幕虽提高了边坡稳定性,但提升效果不大。
In the groundwater control of sloping excavation of foundation pit,the influence of water-stop curtain on the foundation pit mainly includes the following two points that the high shear strength of cement soil improves the slope stability,and the cement soil water-stop curtain will form larger water pressure and reduce the slope stability.Which of influence factor dominant still needs to be discussed.Based on the PLAXIS 2D finite element simulation,the foundation pit of a main diversion channel in Xiamen as an example is discussed and studied.The study results show that the water-stop curtain increases the stiffness of the soil,and has a positive impact on the stability and displacement of the foundation pit.Although the water-stop curtain improves the slope stability,the upgrading effect is not significant.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control