漂流性鱼卵的孵化需要一定的水流,容易受到环境因素的影响。为了认知乌苏里江中下游漂流性卵鱼类早期资源情况,2018年,采用DNA条形码技术,对乌苏里江中下游饶河江段和抚远江段的漂流性鱼卵样本进行了发育早期的物种鉴定。研究结果表明,从260个鱼卵样本中,共获得220条有效序列;其中,213条序列与GenBank数据库中已知物种参考序列的相似度达到99%以上,鉴定到种,占有效序列数的96.82%;7条序列与GenBank数据库中已知物种参考序列的相似度为95%~99%,鉴定到属,占有效序列数的3.18%;根据213条序列鉴定出的13种物种隶属于2目3科9亚科13属,包括鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类11种189个样本,占88.73%;鳅科(Cobitidae)鱼类1种23个样本,占10.80%;漂流性卵鱼类8种。乌苏里江中下游漂流性卵鱼类以小型鱼类为主,银鮈(Squalidus argentatus)、银鲴(Xenocypris argentea)、贝氏■(Hemiculter bleekeri)和花斑副沙鳅(Parabotia fasciatus)资源量较大;大、中型鱼类以翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)的资源较为丰富。
The Wusuli River is the second largest tributary on the south bank of the Heilongjiang River,with rich fishery resources.However,the status of early fish resources such as eggs,larva,and juveniles in the Wusuli River is still unclear.The hatching of drifting fish eggs requires a certain amount of water,which is easily affected by environmental factors.In order to find out the early resources of drifting fish eggs in the middle and lower reaches of the Wusuli River,DNA barcoding technology was used to identify the early development species of drifting fish eggs from Raohe and Fuyuan sections in 2018.After DNA extraction,PCR amplification and sequencing,220 effective sequences were obtained from 260 fish eggs.The 213 sequences were more than 99%similar to the reference sequences of known species in GenBank database,accounting for 96.82%of the total.Seven sequences were identified to genera,which is ranging from 95%to99%similar to the reference sequence of known species in GenBank database,accounting for 3.18%.The 13 species identified based on 213 sequences belonged to 13 genera,9 subfamilies,3 families,2 orders.Among them,there were 189 samples of 11 species of Cyprinidae,accounting for 88.73%,and 23 samples of 1 species of Cobitidae,accounting for 10.80%.The statistical results showed that small fishes were the main drifting spawn fish in the middle and lower reaches of the Wusuli River,including Squalidus argentatus,Xenocypris argentea,Hemiculter bleekeri,and Parabotia fasciatus.Culter alburnus was abundant in large and medium-sized fishes.The results revealed that the distribution pattern of fishes that spawn drifting eggs in the middle and lower reaches of the Wusuli River,and provided the basis for effective protection and restoration of spawning grounds.
TANG Fujiang;WANG Jilong;NA Rongbin;LIU Wei;LU Cuiyun(Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Harbin 150070,Heilongjiang,P.R.China)
Wetland Science