
《中共苏区中央局转发中央对行动部署及任务的指示给周恩来的电报》时间考证 被引量:1

Textual Research on Message Time of A Telegram From the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area of the CPC Transmitting the Instructions of the Central Committee on the Deployment and Tasks of the Operation to Zhou Enlai
摘要 《建党以来重要文献选编》收录的《中共苏区中央局转发中央对行动部署及任务的指示给周恩来的电报》,标注其时间为8月10日。该指示电所认可的“赣东北方面的部署”,应该是指项英8月13日、27日电制定的作战计划。其所谋划的东方军第三阶段作战方案,所接续的应是8月24日中共苏区中央局转发的中央指示。由此判断,8月10日的发出时间有误。共产国际、联共(布)与中国革命的相关档案证实,共产国际执委会远东局于9月2日以中共中央名义发出了该项指示,据此可以推测,中共苏区中央局转发该电的时间可能是9月10日。 A Telegram From the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area of the CPC Transmitting the Instructions of the Central Committee on the Deployment and Tasks of the Operation to Zhou Enlai,which was included in Selection of Important Documents Since the Founding of the Party,was dated August 10.The"Northeast Jiangxi Deployment"recognized by the directive should refer to the operational plan drawn up by Xiang Ying on August 13 and 27.His plan for the third stage of the eastern army operations,followed by instructions from the Central Committee of the Party transmitted by the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area of the CPC on August 24.Judging from this,the date of dispatch on August 10 was incorrect.Documents related to the Comintern,the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Chinese revolution confirmed that the Far East Bureau of the Comintern issued the instruction on Sept.2 in the name of the Central Committee of the CPC.According to this,it can be inferred that the time when the Central Bureau of the Soviet Area of the CPC transmitted the message may be September 10.
作者 黄志高 Huang ZhiGao
出处 《苏区研究》 CSSCI 2021年第1期49-56,共8页
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“共产国际远东局与中国革命关系研究”(16BDJ007)。
关键词 电报 东方军 远东局 telegram eastern army Far East Bureau
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