
《著作权法》修改:关键条款的解读与分析(上) 被引量:89

The Revision of the Copyright Law:Interpretation and Analysis of the Key Provisions(PartⅠ)
摘要 修改后的《著作权法》将"作品类型法定"模式改为"作品类型开放"模式,可能将导致作品与其他智力成果的界限变得模糊不清。法院应避免为"创新"而不当扩张著作权的保护范围。广播权被重新定义为可规制任何以非交互式手段向公众传播作品行为的专有权利,具有实质意义。"三步检验标准"的纳入是对法定权利限制的适用进行再限制,并非允许法院自行创设新的权利限制。有关制作和向视障者及其他阅读障碍者提供无障碍格式版的权利限制意义重大,其扫清了我国批准《马拉喀什条约》的障碍。对涉及课堂教学和免费表演的权利限制的修改形式意义大于实质意义。对有关复制公共场所艺术品的权利限制的修改可能造成误解。删除"播放以录音制品体现的作品的法定许可",并不意味着广播电台、电视台今后播放录音制品时须经过其中作品著作权人的许可,对其行为应适用"播放已发表作品的法定许可"。 The revised Chinese Copyright Law changed the legally prescribed types of works into an open form,which may blur the distinction between works and other intellectual achievements.Courts should avoid to inappropriately expand the scope of copyright protection in the name of innovation.The right of broadcasting is redefined as a broad exclusive right to cover any non-interactive act of communication to the public,which is of substantive meaning.The inclusion of the three-step test in the revised copyright law is to limit the application of the statutory exceptions,instead of allowing courts to create new exceptions.The new exception on making and providing accessible format of copyrighted works to visually impaired persons and persons with print disabilities cleared the legal obstacles for China to ratify Marrakesh Treaty.The revised exceptions on classroom teaching and free performance are unsubstantial.And the revised exception on copying artistic works at public places may cause confusion.Deleting the statutory license for radio and TV stations to broadcast the works embodied in sound recordings does not mean that radio and TV stations need to obtain the license from relevant copyright owners when broadcasting sound recordings,rather,the statutory license to broadcast published works(audiovisual works not included)will apply to such broadcasts.
作者 王迁 Wang Qian
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期20-35,共16页 Intellectual Property
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目《媒体融合中的版权理论与运用研究》(项目批准号19ZDA330)的初步成果 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“网络游戏产业良性发展的版权保障研究”(编号19YJA8200040)的阶段性成果。
关键词 作品类型开放 广播权 权利限制 播放录音制品法定许可 open-ended list of types of work the right of broadcasting exception to copyright statutory license to broadcast the works embodied in sound recordings
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