明治以来日本学术的方向是西方化,同时为其脱亚入欧、奴役亚洲的行动做知识先导或道德论证。为此引入同时欧美的东洋学(Oriental Studies,东方学),发展出服务侵略行动的满鲜史、满蒙史、热带研究、北亚史、亚细亚史,特点是带着对对象地域现状的深刻关切,以实地踏查和语言文化综合理解为基本方法的地域实证综合、幻灯片那样刻画地域对象的状态,宗旨是作为情报,积极提供给日本官民做行动的参考。金九经对满蒙藏语言文化和信仰具有开阔新颖的研究,注重资料收集校订、多种语文研读、实地调查,对不同时间和地点的对象提出解释。学问的形成和性质属于日本东洋学,但在大规模运用非汉文资料做开放的解释这一风气上是领先的。可悲的是,他是朝鲜国人,是一位亡于日本的亡国之民;但这或许正显示现代东北亚地域一体化的某种特征。
Since the Meiji Restoration,Japanese academics had oriented toward the West,aiming at theoretical guidance to or moral justification for the activities of"Throwing off Asia"and subsequent enslavement of Asia.Tōyōgaku(Oriental Studies),originally European scholarship,was then introduced for the sake of Japanese invasion,henceforth developed such subjects of research as Mansen Shi(Manchu-Korean History),Manmou Shi(Manchu-Mongolian History),Nettai Kenkyū(Tropical Studies),Kita Ajia Shi(Northern Asian History),Ajia Shi(East Asian History),etc.These subjects are characterized with deep concern about the status quo of target areas,namely regional empirical synthesis methodologically based on field survey and comprehensive understanding of language and culture,kaleidoscopically depicting the conditions of the geographical object.Their purpose is to serve as intelligence,actively provided as reference to Japanese officials and citizens for actions.Kim Gugyeong initiated broad and novel research on Manchurian,Mongolian and Tibetan languages,focusing on data collection and revision,multilingual study,and field investigation,providing explanations for objects at various times and places.His scholarships belong to Japanese Oriental Studies in its formation and nature,but it is leading in the large-scale use of non-Chinese materials for open interpretation.Unfortunately,he is a Korean citizen subjugated in Japan occupation;but this may be showing a certain characteristic of modern Northeast Asian regional integration.
Journal of the Western Mongolian Studies