为了解决煤炭资源短缺的问题,提高煤炭回收利用率,以山煤集团左云长春兴煤业有限公司22#煤层南盘区22307工作面为研究对象,探索了转采技术,对采用转采技术前所进行的准备工作、转采工艺技术和矿压规律进行了分析。采用转采工艺,相较原工作面东西走向布置,减少顺槽掘进岩巷约500 m,减少一次工作面搬家。将22307工作面东北三角区域资源回收最大化,多回收资源约36万t,创造利润4860万元。
In order to improve the coal recovery and utilization rate,taking 22307 working face of No.22 coal seam south panel of Zuoyun Changchunxing Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.of Shanmei group as the research object,the rotation mining technology was explored.Through the detailed analysis of preparation work and rotation mining technology,compared with the original work,the working face is arranged in the east-west direction,which reduces the excavation of rock roadway by 500 meters,and avoides one more additional moving of working face,cost reduced by 10 million yuan.In order to maximize the resource recovery in the Northeast triangle area of 22307 working face,about 360000 tons of more resources are recovered,and a profit of 48.6 million yuan is created,which can provide reference and guidance for similar working face conversion in the future.
Shanxi Coking Coal Science & Technology
Coal face
Rotary mining process
Mine pressure law