

Based on the Auditory System of the Fly Ormia Ochracea Small-aperture Antennas Direction-finding Method
摘要 传统干涉仪测向其误差是随天线阵孔径的增大而降低,而增大天线阵孔径又会出现相位模糊。奥米亚棕蝇听觉系统通过特殊的耦合机制对两耳之间的响应进行放大,从而实现对寄主位置的准确判断。分析其听觉系统原理,通过类比电学模型,推导电学模型输出相位差的理论公式,并对比传统干涉仪测向相位差公式,给出相位差放大系数。最后设计了一款耦合电路,搭建小孔径天线阵,实测结果表明该耦合电路可有效实现输出相位差的放大,相较于未加耦合电路的小孔径天线阵,可有效降低测向误差。 The error of the traditional interferometer direction finding decreases with the increase of the aperture between antennas,and the larger aperture between antennas,the larger probability of phase ambiguity.The auditory system of the fly Ormia Ochracea amplifies the different responses between the two ears through a special coupling mechanism,so as to locate the host.The working principle and design method are analyzed,a circuit model based on bionics is built to analyze the amplification effect of its output phase difference.And a coupling circuit is designed,the actual measurement results show that the coupling circuit can achieve the amplification effect of the output phase difference of the small-aperture antennas,compared with the small-aperture antennas without coupling circuit,it can effectively reduce the direction-finding error.
作者 黄凯 周林亚 陆安南 HUANG Kai;ZHOU Lin-ya;LU AN-nan(Science and Technology on Communication Information Security Control Laboratory,Jiaxing 314033,China;The 36th Research Institute of CETC,Jiaxing 314033,China)
出处 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 北大核心 2020年第11期1111-1116,共6页 Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
关键词 耦合电路 小孔径 测向 coupling circuit small-aperture direction-finding
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