
外国学者关于幼儿24 h身体活动行为的研究:起源、进展与启示 被引量:3

Study on Children’s 24-hour Movement Behavior Abroad: Origins, Progress and Implications for China
摘要 方法:检索“Web of Science(WOS)”“PubMed”等数据库,对关于幼儿24 h身体活动行为的论文进行分析。将所有文献导入EndNote X9,经过筛选,最终选择了27篇。结果:1)在近10年的研究中,有关幼儿24 h身体活动行为研究的理论框架的建立。2)一些国家的“幼儿24身体活动行为指南”发布后,外国学者关于幼儿24 h身体活动行为的研究逐渐增多。3)近年来,外国学者关于幼儿24 h身体活动行为的研究尚处于起步阶段,论文数量呈现增长趋势。4)受到加拿大和澳大利亚学者研制的“幼儿24 h活动行为指南”的影响,越来越多的学者开始研究幼儿的身体活动、静态行为和睡眠行为。5)大多数研究采用横断面调查研究;与之相关的干预性研究较少。6)从方法学的角度来看,幼儿24 h身体活动行为的研究主要包括2个方面,一是测试幼儿24 h身体活动行为的方法,二是分析幼儿24 h身体活动行为数据的方法。7)从本研究的分析来看,当前大部分的幼儿24 h身体活动行为研究在探索样本幼儿24 h身体活动行为与其身心健康评价指标的相关性。8)有少数学者对幼儿24 h身体活动行为的影响因素进行了初步研究。9)幼儿24 h身体活动行为的干预研究尚处于探索阶段,对于幼儿24 h身体活动行为的干预还未得到研究者的充分关注。启示:1)加强中国幼儿24 h身体活动行为监测系统的研制;2)进一步加强中国的幼儿24 h身体活动行为研究;3)研制中国的《幼儿24h身体活动行为指南》;4)完善幼儿24 h身体活动行为相关政策。 Methods:We searched the databases of“web of Science(WOS)”and“PubMed”to analyze the papers about children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior.All the literatures were imported into endnote x9.After screening,27 papers were selected.Results:1)in the past 10 years,the theoretical framework of the research on children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior was established.2)After the release of“24-hour movement behavior guidelines for children”in some countries,foreign scholars have gradually increased the research on children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior.3)In recent years,foreign scholars’research on children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior is still in its infancy,and the number of papers shows an increasing trend.4)More and more Australian researchers have developed the“static behavior guidelines for young children”and“24-hour”children's behavior.5)Most of the studies were conducted by cross-sectional survey,and there were few related intervention studies.6)From the point of view of 24-hour physical activity,the main method of 24-hour physical activity test includes two-hour physical activity,with one being the method of testing children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior,while the other being the method of analyzing children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior data.7)From the analysis of this study,most of the current research on 24-hour physical movement behavior of young children explores the correlation between 24-hour physical movement behavior and physical and mental health evaluation indicators of sample children.8)A few scholars have made a preliminary study on the influencing factors of children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior.9)The intervention research of children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior is still in the exploratory stage,and the intervention of children’s 24-hour physical movement behavior has not been fully concerned by researchers.Enlightenments:1)to strengthen the development of Chinese children’s 24-hour physical movement beha
作者 王飞 陈思同 洪金涛 刘阳 WANG Fei;CHEN Sitong;HONG Jintao;LIU Yang(School of Physical Education and Training,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;Institute for Health and Sport,Victoria University,Melbourne 8001,Victoria,Australia;Shanghai Research Center for Physical Fitness and Health of Children and Adolescents,Shanghai 200438,China.)
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期538-549,共12页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(19BTY077)。
关键词 24 h活动行为 身体活动 静态行为 睡眠 指南 24-hour movement behavior physical activity sedentary behavior sleep guide
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