This paper investigates and analyzes the current situation of Guilin international marathon by means of literature review,expert interview and participation investigation,and puts forward corresponding reference opinions on the development of Guilin international marathon through f ield investigation and summary.It has been four years since the f irst Guilin international marathon was held in 2016.Judging f rom the time,it is not diff icult to see that the Guilin international marathon is still in a relatively early stage and there are still many problems to be solved.In order to better through Guilin international marathon,to promote the development of all aspects in Guilin,show the landscape of Guilin,and let more people understand and participate in marathon sport,feel the beauty of movement,this article will review of the history of Guilin international marathon,and make analysis of the situation,at the same time,also for the marathon in Guilin,provides some references for the growth and development.
HOU Zhiye(Guangxi Normal University,Guilin,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,541006 China)
Contemporary Sports Technology