
“一带一路”沿线五个典型侨务资源大国侨务政策比较及对我国启示 被引量:2

Comparing the Overseas Chinese Affairs Policies of Five Major Nations with Abundant Overseas Chinese Resources along B&R and the Enlightenment to China
摘要 近年来,“一带一路”沿线五个典型侨务资源大国印度、菲律宾、俄罗斯、以色列、土耳其的侨情发生了巨大变化。海外同胞数量不断增多,结构类型呈现循环转换的模式,即劳工移民、科技移民、非法移民、难民和家庭团聚移民整合的结构。其中,年轻化、女性化、学历多元趋势明显,分布也更加广泛,呈现多向流动,非法移民和难民问题成为热点。不同类型移民的需求日益多样,调整侨务政策服务国家发展成为各主要侨务资源大国的当务之急。为此,各国均与时俱进,不断调整侨政为国家战略服务,在关注移民和侨民在本国建设中的作用基础上,及时调整政策,设立相关机构,采取各种措施加强移民融入及服务海外侨民。五个主要侨务资源大国的侨务施政体现了最高行政机构或首脑推动侨务、侨政法律法规推进侨务、海外同胞权益促进侨务这三种侨务机构设置模型,对中国侨务政策服务国家发展战略提供了诸多启示,集中表现在把握侨情趋势、制定涉侨法律法规、涵养侨务资源、服务国家发展战略等方面。 Recent years,overseas Chinese affairs in India,Philippines,Russia,Israel and Turkey,which are five major nations with abundant overseas Chinese resources along B&R,are facing huge changes.The number of overseas Chinese is increasing and the pattern of structures show as circling shifting,as the integration of labor migration,technology migration,illegal migration,refugee and family reunion migration.Among this,there are trends as younger immigration in average ages,being feminization,differing academic levels,distributing broadly and flowing different places.Illegal migrants and refugees are hot topics.Making adjustment of overseas migrants,affair policies to serve national development and meet needs of diverse migrants is an urgent agenda for five major countries with abundant overseas Chinese resources.Five major nations advance with times to keep adjusting overseas Chinese affair policies to serve national strategy Based on the functions of immigrants and overseas Chinese in the construction of host nations,the nations adjust policies,set up related organizations and take all kinds of measures to strengthen immigrants,integration and serve overseas Chinese.Five nations,administration of overseas Chinese affairs policy demonstrates three kinds of institutional implementation of overseas Chinese affairs as promoting overseas Chinese affairs by the highest administration organization or president,by legislation and the rights of migrants,which are enlightenments to China's overseas Chinese affairs policies serving national development strategy,such as grasping the trend of overseas Chinese affairs,enacting laws and regulations concerning overseas Chinese,conserving overseas Chinese resources and serving the national development strategy.
作者 康晓丽 Kang Xiaoli(Party School of the Xiamen Committee of C.P.C)
出处 《八桂侨刊》 2020年第3期64-74,63,共12页 Overseas Chinese Journal of Bagui
基金 福建省社科规划一般项目“‘一带一路'沿线相关侨务资源大国侨务政策比较研究”阶段性成果(FJ2018B042) 2019全国党校系统重点调研课题“福建省民营企业参与‘一带一路'建设现状、存在的问题及对策研究”(2019DFDXKT194)的阶段性成果。
关键词 侨务资源大国 侨务政策 比较 Nations With Abundant Overseas Chinese Resources Overseas Chinese Affairs Policy Comparison
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