
技术伦理视域下MTI学生笔译技能与综合素质培养研究 被引量:3

Skills Training and Translator Quality Education for MTI Students from the Perspective of Technology Ethics
摘要 人工智能和翻译技术的迅猛发展,给高校翻译专业人才培养带来挑战和机遇。将翻译技术纳入MTI笔译教学提高了学生的工具能力,但同时也带来译者诸多翻译技能优势被削减等问题。文章从一篇汉语宣传性材料的英译作业出发,基于对作业中主要问题的分析研究,从技术伦理的视角探讨了技术应用背景下MTI学生笔译技能与综合素质培养亟需关注的问题,以期为进一步探索新时期高校翻译人才培养和MTI教学实践的有效路径提供思路和启示。 The application of translation technologies may lead to the following alienation risks: the weakening human translation skills in translators, the dwarfed spiritual value of translation,the suppressed creativity in the generation of language,the increasing invisibility of the translator, and the more complicated relationship between the translator, the market and the parties concerned. This tendency is increasingly felt in translator training in China ’s universities, particularly in MTI education which is more market-oriented. Applying translation technologies in MTI classes has improved students’ tool abilities, and it has, however, caused such problems as the inactiveness of thinking and imagination, the weakening of language skills,subjectivity, creativity and other human skills in translators. How to respond to the new situations and how to address ethical issues in using technology are questions to be answered in MTI education at present.The study is based on an analysis of the errors found in 41 MTI students’ computer-aided English translation of a Chinese publicity material for a national-level New District in China. The Chinese publicity material is chosen for the study because it usually poses as challenges for translators. Informative but written in a very typical Chinese way,it defies literal translation,requires more pre-editing,more delicate strategy uses and more flexibility to ensure readability and good communication effects. It therefore typically reflects translator qualities and the translator ’s perception of translation. The assessment of the 41 students ’translation work and the error analysis were jointly made by three MTI trainers according to CATTI criteria.Problems found after the analysis include: most students have mediocre Chinese proficiency for translation work though they are all Chinese natives;negative effects of using machine translation occur in different aspects;critical thinking in translating process is lacking;translator thinking based on good theory knowledge is
作者 孙黎 SUN Li(School of Arts&Science,Shaanxi University of Science&Technology,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710021,China)
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期17-17,106-111,共7页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 陕西省社会科学基金项目:构建职业化时代翻译的精神世界——译者翻译精神主体性研究(项目编号:2018M23)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 技术伦理 MTI笔译教学 机器翻译 笔译技能与综合素质 Technology Ethics MTI Translation Teaching Machine Translation Translation Skills and Translator Qualities
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