
基于MOOC时代的“细胞生物学”翻转课堂探索 被引量:6

Research on“Cell Biology”Flipped Classroom Based on MOOC Era
摘要 信息时代,传统课堂模式已不能满足大学生对知识的需求。MOOC因其大规模、开放、在线共享等特性,极大程度上将"讲师–学生–课堂"三大主体与互联网融合,构建出一种全新的教学理念+模式。细胞生物学作为生命科学基础学科,涉及生物学、临床医学多学科领域,同时与其他学科交叉融合,因此,细胞生物学教学模式的创新显得至关重要。该文对于细胞生物学翻转课堂探索基于"细胞解码"慕课的建设措施,同时,为了进一步发挥翻转课堂的优势,我们针对中南大学湘雅医学院、基础医学院、生命科学学院等专业学生开放了"细胞解码"SPOC课堂,将课堂教学与在线教学结合,更好地从教学模式、教学安排、教学评价和教学完善等方面介绍相关教学模式的改革。该研究发现,翻转课堂有助于激发学生自主探索精神、加强学生在"互联网+"大背景下紧跟时代脚步的能力,进而全方位提升学生的综合素质和高等教育教学改革的质量,达到改革创新的目的。 In the era of information,the traditional teaching in classroom can no longer meet the knowledge needs of university students.A MOOC (massive open online course) is an online course aimed at large-scale interactive participation and open access via the web.Characterized by large scale,openness and sharing,MOOC greatly integrates the teachers,students and classroom three parts with the Internet to establish a new teaching mode.As a branch of life science that studies the structure and function of the cell,cell biology is involved in many fields of biology,clinical medicine and other basic disciplines,and then the innovations in teaching undergraduate cell biology are very important.Based on MOOC of "cell decoding" course,this artical has explores flipped classroom during giving the lecture of cell biology.At the same time,in order to give full play to the advantages of flipped classroom,the SPOC (small private online courses) were used locally for the on-campus students of Xiangya medical school,the school of basic medicine and the school of life sciences in Central South University.The purpose of lecture is to provide a design of online-merge-offline classroom for open education of cell biology,to better understand the reforms of relevant teaching modes,courses arrangement,teaching effects evaluation and teaching methods improvement.This artical finds that flipped classroom of cell biology is helpful for students to foster a spirit of independent exploration,and promotes the ability of keeping pace with the information trend under the background of Internet Plus.Therefore,the reform and innovations of cell biology course are very significant for students’ all-round and harmonious development,which can improve students’ comprehensive quality and the quality of higher education.
作者 杨浩 张树冰 YANG Hao;ZHANG Shubing(Department of Cell Biology,School of Life Sciences,Central South University,Changsha 410013,China)
出处 《中国细胞生物学学报》 CAS CSCD 2020年第5期868-874,共7页 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology
基金 湖南省中南大学教育教学改革研究项目(批准号:2018jy136)资助的课题。
关键词 细胞生物学 慕课 翻转课堂 细胞解码 cell biology MOOC SPOC cell decoding
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