当前,智能技术发展带来的公法秩序变革主要包括:权力体系重构:大数据、算法技术发展、社交媒体权力扩张与传媒监管体系变革,Cambridge Analytica事件、政党化公司与选举代议制度变革;权利与权力边界的重构:金融科技发展与金融科技、社会信用监管体系变革,巨型平台公司及其监管制度变革。智能技术发展带来的私法秩序变革主要包括:野蛮生长的互联网金融、P2P爆雷潮与个人信息、隐私权、财产权保护制度变革;算法智能推送、"信息茧房"、"娱乐至死"与个人信息获取、消费选择权保护制度变革。智能技术革命背景下法治社会转型——从传统法治到智能法治,主要包括:法律价值体系转型(数据代码算法正义、风险技术控制、注重义务与安全);法律主体及法律关系体系转型(新型主体与复杂化关系);法律行为及法律救济体系转型(复合性行为与预防性救济);智能技术革命时代法治秩序转型需建立智能法治系统:建模系统+功能分区——公共信息流通+个人信息保护——系统控制+社会整合。
At present,the changes of public law order brought about by the development of intelligent technology are mainly twofold:the reconstruction of power system and the reconstruction of rights and power boundary.The reconstruction of power system includes the reform of media regulatory system in relation to big data,algorithm technology development and the power expansion of social media,and the reform of elected representative system versus the Cambridge Analytica event and partisan company.The reconstruction of rights and power boundary covers the reform of financial technology and social credit supervision system relative to the development of financial technology,and the reform of the regulatory system concerning giant platform companies.The changes of private law order brought about by the development of intelligent technology mainly include the reform of the personal information,privacy right and property right protection system in cases of the barbaric growth of Internet finance and the tide of P2P bankruptcy,and the reform of the personal information acquisition and consumption choice right protection system in relation to algorithm-supported intelligent promotion and the"information cocoon room","Amusing Ourselves to Death"phenomena.The transformation of the rule of law society under the background of intelligent technology revolution—from traditional rule of law to intelligent rule of law,mainly includes the transformation of the legal value system(data code algorithm justice,technical control of risk,emphasis on obligation and security);the transformation of legal subjects and the system of legal relations(new types of subject and more complicated relations);and the transformation of legal behavior and the legal relief system(compound behavior and preventative relief).In the era of intelligent technology revolution,the transformation of legal order requires the establishment of an intelligent legal system:a modeling system+functional partition—public information circulation+personal information protect
Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)
intelligent technology
public law order
private law order
traditional rule of law
intelligent rule of law