
舞钢4100 mm宽厚板生产线6 mm极限规格薄板的开发实践 被引量:2

Development Practice of Steel Plate with 6 mm Limit Thickness in Wusteel 4100 mm Wide and Heavy Steel Plate Production Line
摘要 随着国民经济的持续发展,厚度<8 mm的建筑结构用钢市场需求量越来越大。在中厚板生产领域,厚度6 mm的钢板已达到轧机轧制的极限,轧制难度大,板型质量难以控制,轧制过程中对整个轧机设备及轧制工艺要求极高。舞钢公司在4100 mm宽厚板生产线开发6 mm极限规格薄板过程中,通过优化板坯规格设计、提高轧机设备精度、优化生产工艺等措施,实现了6 mm厚度薄板的批量生产。 With sustainable development of national economy,the market demand on building structural steel plate of thickness less than 8 mm increases a lot.In the field of medium and heavy steel plate production,the 6 mm thickness steel plate reaches to the rolling thickness limit of the plate mill with high rolling difficulty,of which the flatness is hardly controlled,the rolling has extremely high demands on the entire plate mill equipment and rolling process.In the process of developing 6 mm limit thickness steel plate in the 4100 mm wide and heavy plate production line,Wusteel achieves the batch production of 6 mm thickness steel plate by optimizing slab dimension design,improving the mill equipment precision and optimizing production process.
作者 张少峰 詹英 Zhang Shaofeng;Zhan Ying(HBIS Group Wusteel Company)
出处 《宽厚板》 2020年第3期34-37,共4页 Wide and Heavy Plate
关键词 轧制规程 镰刀弯 轧制力 Rolling schedule Camber Rolling force
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