It has been around 3 years since the reform on investorstate dispute resolution mechanism was initiated by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes in 2016.This reform aims at improving dispute resolution efficiency and balancing interests between state and investors and concerns many fields including thirdparty funding,security for arbitration costs and so on.Procedural issues raised by third-party funding viewed as a critical measure for parties to get access to justice further strengthen uncertainty of arbitral proceedings due to the limited power of arbitral tribunal,including relevance of third-party funding to security for arbitration costs and its weight in the process of making decisions.The conflict between the right of the funded party to get access to arbitration protected by third-party funding and the effect that security for arbitration costs may suppress parties’claims of arbitration is becoming increasingly distinct.This article is to answer the role of third-party funding in application for security for arbitration costs and its relevance to the granting of a security for costs order,based upon introducing Proposals for Amendment of the ICSID Rules and analyzing cases in international investment arbitration.
Beijing Arbitration Quarterly
third-party funding
international investment arbitration
ICSID Arbitration Rules
security for costs