
人类学对铸牢中华民族共同体意识的作用——兼谈中国人类学的当代使命与责任 被引量:11

Anthropology's Roles in Strengthening the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation--Mission and Responsibilities of Chinese Anthropologists in the New Era
摘要 在"今日之中国,不仅是中国之中国,而且是亚洲之中国、世界之中国"的当下,以文化为研究对象的人类学肩负着什么样的时代使命?如何看待和发挥好人类学的作用?这是新时代的一个重要课题。简言之,人类学对中国的社会发展至少有三个明显作用:人类学能够提供一种"和"的思想与观念;人类学能帮助我们了解和认识自己,也能帮助我们认识世界;人类学是我们与世界沟通对话的重要学科领域。以当下中国人类学的学科地位与发展现状而言,人类学的基础作用不容忽视。人类学的基础性乃由文化的基础性所决定,而文化是一个国家、一个民族的根基。正如习近平总书记指出:"一个国家,一个民族的强盛,总是以文化兴盛为支撑的。中华民族伟大复兴需要以中华文化发展繁荣为条件。"人类学是一门强国之学,我国要成为世界强国,坚定"文化自信",实现中华民族的伟大复兴,铸牢中华民族共同体意识,就需要大力发展人类学这门具有世界眼光和人类视野的人文基础学科。 In the world today when China is becoming an important power extending its influence not only in Asia but world—wide,Chinese anthropologists must give answers to questions like;what mission should anthropology,which takes cultural studies as its main area of research,commit itself to?What roles should it play?And how to give the best play to such roles?A brief answer to these questions is,to the present-day Chinese society,anthropology can do at least three things:it can provide the society with the idea of“harmony”;it can help us to get to know ourselves as well as to know the world;it can function as an important channel for China to conduct dialogues with the world.Given the present status of anthropology in China's academic structure,its fundamental functions can never be ignored.What is fundamental about anthropology is very much decided by what is fundamental in a given culture,which functions as the cornerstone of a country or a nation.Just as President Xi Jinping points out,“the prosperity of a country and a nation is backed up by a thriving culture.And the great revival of the Chinese nation calls for a thriving Chinese culture”.Anthropology is a science that can inject vigor to a nation.If China is to become a major world power,it must have a full confidence in its culture before the great rejuvenation can take place.Anthropology as a fundamental science that features a global vision and a concern for all humanity can do much to help strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation.
作者 石硕 SHI Shuo
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期23-33,共11页 Thinking
基金 “四川大学铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地”专项研究成果 四川省社会科学高水平研究团队建设计划资助成果。
关键词 人类学 中华民族 文化包容 “和”的思想 新时代使命 anthropology Chinese nation cultural inclusiveness the idea of“harmony” mission for the new era
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