

Study on the English Learning Demotivation of Liberal Arts Students in Application-oriented University
摘要 动机减退是造成大学生英语学习困难的最大因素,逆转动机减退势必成为当前英语教学中的重要目标。采用问卷和访谈的方式收集了两所应用型本科大学311名文科生英语学习动机减退的数据,研究发现有61.8%的学生表示其英语学习动机出现了不同程度的减退;课程、学习策略、教材、兴趣缺失、教师因素、个性因素、教育技术是导致学生英语学习动机减退的主要因素。基于研究发现,提出从课程设置、学习策略培养、教师专业发展及教学团队建设等方面化解学生英语学习动机减退的现象。 Demotivation is a major factor that leads to college students'English learning difficulties.Reversing demotivation should be regarded as the first priority in current English teaching.This study collected data on the English learning deotivation of 311 liberal arts students in two applied undergraduate universities by means of questionnaires and interviews.It was found that 65.3%of the students indicated that their English learning motivation had decreased in varying degrees;Curriculum,learning strategies,textbooks,lack of interest,teacher related factors,personality factors,educational technology skills are the main factors leading to the decline of students'motivation in English learning.Based on the findings of the study,this study proposes to solve students'demotivation in English learning from the aspects of curriculum design,learning strategy,teachers'professional development and teaching team building.
作者 王战锋 WANG Zhanfeng(School of Humanities and Teacher Education,Wuyi University,Wuyishan,Fujian 354300)
出处 《武夷学院学报》 2020年第4期48-53,共6页 Journal of Wuyi University
基金 2019年度福建省社科规划项目(FJ2019B159)阶段性成果 福建省教育厅2018年度社会科学研究项目(JAS180525) 福建省教育厅2016年度社会科学研究项目(JAS160570)阶段性成果。
关键词 大学文科生 大学英语 动机减退 因子分析 liberal arts student College English demotivation EFA
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