
基于历史唯物主义评价新结构经济学 被引量:1

Evaluation of New Structural Economics Based on Historical Materialism
摘要 林毅夫认为其新结构经济学继承和发展了马歇尔的新古典经济学,即利用马歇尔基于连续原理的渐进性分析方法提出经济发展是一个遵循自身比较优势的连续变化过程;同时又继承和发展了马克思主义经济学,即提出了比经济基础更基础的要素禀赋作为切入点,把生产方式及其上层建筑内生化。实际情况是:新结构经济学是李嘉图静态比较优势理论与马歇尔渐进性分析方法相结合的产物;而用马歇尔的研究方法取代唯物辩证法与历史唯物主义组合所形成的指导思想与研究方法的错配,使新结构经济学完全丧失了继承和发展马克思主义经济学的可能性。更重要的是,由于新结构经济学将技术创新视为发达国家经济发展的内生变量与发展中国家经济发展的外生变量,且没有在理论上反映历史上的英国和美国利用工业革命实现颠覆性创新,从而从传统农业社会进入发达的工业社会的实践,因此,虽然其在中小发展中国家能起到"立竿见影"的作用,但在抢抓第四次工业革命机遇的中国这样一个社会主义发展中的大国可能难以发挥作用。新结构经济学要想有效服务于我国创新驱动发展战略,必须基于历史唯物主义和唯物辩证法,将科技作为经济发展的内生变量以突破当前要素禀赋的瓶颈,由此所进行的实证分析才是科学的。 Lin Yifu believes that its new structural economics has inherited and developed Marshall*s neoclassical economics,that is,it has used Marshall's progressive analysis method based on the principle of continuity to propose that economic development is a continuously changing process that follows its own comparative advantages;at the same time,it has inherited and developed Marxist economics,that is,it has proposed the factor endowment that is more basic than economic basis as the starting point to achieve endogenesis of the production mode and its superstructure.The actual situation is that new structural economics is a product of combination of Ricardo's static comparative advantage theory and Marshall's progressive analysis method;and the mismatch between the guiding ideology and the research method formed by replacing the materialist dialectics and historical materialism with Marshall's research method has made it completely impossible for the new structural economics to inherit and develop the Marxist economics.More importantly,because the new structural economics regards technological innovation as an endogenous variable for economic development of developed countries and an exogenous variable for economic development of developing countries,and does not theoretically reflect the history of Britain,and the United States using industrial revolution to achieve disruptive innovation and then entering developed industrial society from traditional agricultural society,so although it can play ail immediate effect in small and medium developing countries,it may be quite difficult to play a role in China,a large socialist developing country seizing opportunities brought by the fourth industrial revolution.To effectively serve China's innovation—driven development strategy,new structural economics must be based on historical materialism and materialist dialectics,and use technology as an endogenous variable for economic development to break through the bottleneck of current factor endowment,and only empirical analysi
作者 方兴起 Fang Xingqi
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期63-72,F0003,共11页 Contemporary Economic Research
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