目的:探讨湛江市7209例学龄前儿童性早熟发生率及其危险因素。方法:选取湛江市城区儿童作为研究对象进行分层整群抽样调查,调查时间为2018年1月~2019年9月,共调查7209例学龄前儿童,收集学龄前儿童一般资料及临床检查结果,统计性早熟发生率,并分析引起性早熟发生的危险因素。结果:7209例学龄前儿童中,发生性早熟的有148例,性早熟发生率为2.05%。完全随机选取未出现性早熟的150例儿童进行后续分析,结果显示,性早熟组黄体生成激素(LH)、卵巢卵泡刺激素(FSH)、雌二醇(E 2)、瘦素水平及骨龄高于非性早熟组,睾酮(T)水平低于非性早熟组(P<0.05);母亲妊娠期间保胎情况、母亲初潮年龄、抚养方式、父母关系、生活习惯(家中塑料制品使用情况、亮灯睡觉)、饮食情况(食用含色素和防腐剂食品、服用营养滋补品、高蛋白饮食、食用洋快餐)、早产、出生时窒息等均与学龄前儿童性早熟发生有关(P<0.05);母亲初潮年龄≤13岁、父母关系不和谐、家中经常使用塑料制品、食用含色素和防腐剂食品、经常服用营养滋补品、经常高蛋白饮食、经常食用洋快餐均是学龄前儿童性早熟发生的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:湛江市学龄前儿童性早熟发生率较高,且受早产、出生时窒息、母亲初潮年龄、父母关系、日常习惯、饮食等多因素影响。
Objective:To investigate the incidence and risk factors of precocious puberty(PP)among 7209 preschool children in Zhanjiang.Methods:A stratified cluster sampling survey was conducted on children in urban Zhanjiang from January 2018 to September 2019.The survey reached out to a total of 7209 preschool children to focus on their general data and clinical investigation findings.The incidence of PP was statistically recorded,and the risk factors of PP were analyzed.Results:Of the 7209 preschool children,there were 148 cases of PP,with a PP incidence of 2.05%.150 children without PP were randomly enrolled for follow-up analysis.The results showed that,compared with the non-PP children,the levels of luteinizing hormone(LH),ovarian follicle stimulating hormone(FSH),estradiol(E 2)and leptin,and bone age in the PP group were higher,while testosterone(T)level was lower in PP children(P<0.05).Use of tocolyis during maternal pregnancy,maternal menarche age,care-giver,parental relationship,lifestyle habits(indoor use of plastic products,sleep with lights on),dietary habits(consumption of foods containing pigments or preservatives,nutritional supplements,high-protein diet,or western-style fast food),premature birth,and neonatal asphyxia were all related to PP in these preschool children(P<0.05).A maternal menarche age of 13 years old or below,disharmonic parental relationship,indoor use of plastic products,consumption of foods containing pigments or preservatives,frequent use of nutritional supplements,high-protein diet,or western-style fast food were all independent risk factors of PP in the preschool children(P<0.05).Conclusion:The incidence of PP is considerably high among preschool children in Zhanjiang.This may be related to a number of factors,including premature birth,neonatal asphyxia,maternal menarche age,parental relationship,lifestyle habits and daily diet.
Li Changxiu;Pang Jinmei;Huang Miaoqiao(Department of Child Health Service,Maternal and Children’s Hospital,Zhanjiang 524300,Guangdong,China)
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical University
Preschool children
Precocious puberty
Risk factor