
新中国成立以来中国特色文学与政治关系理论嬗变 被引量:3

Evolution of the Theory of the Relationship Between Literature and Politics with Chinese Characteristics Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China
摘要 文学与政治的关系理论是中国特色文学理论中的一个重要问题。新中国成立迄今,文学与政治的关系理论大致经历了一个从强调文学从属政治,到坚持文学疏离政治,直至主张文学与政治互渗的演变过程。造成这一变化的原因有三:中国当代社会结构的转型;文学接受和创作实践的变化;文论资源和研究范式的更新。新中国成立以来文学与政治关系理论嬗变的经验体现为:中国特色文学理论的发展应呼应社会结构的转型,吸取多元化的理论资源,契合文学创作与接受实践。在中国当代文论史上,关于政治与文学关系的偏狭之见主要表现为二:将文学从属于政治;将文学与政治截然两分。破除政治与文学二元对立思维,刷新对"政治"概念的理解,可克服上述偏见。 The theory of the relationship between literature and politics is an important issue in the literary theory with Chinese characteristics. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the theory of the relationship between literature and politics has gone through a process of evolution from emphasizing the subordination of literature to insisting that literature alienates politics, and then to advocating the mutual infiltration of literature and politics. There are three reasons for this change: the transformation of Chinese contemporary social structure, the change of literary acceptance and creation practice, and the renewal of literary theory resources and research paradigm. The experience of the evolution of the theory of the relationship between literature and politics since the founding of the People’s Republic of China shows that the development of the theory of literature with Chinese characteristics should echo the transformation of social structure, absorb diversified theoretical resources, and conform to literary creation and acceptance practice. In the history of Chinese contemporary literary theory, the narrow-minded views on the relationship between politics and literature are mainly manifested in two aspects:subordinating literature to politics and separating literature from politics. The above-mentioned prejudice can be overcome by breaking away from the binary opposition between politics and literature and refreshing the understanding of the concept of "politics".
作者 牟方磊 MU Fanglei(College of Liberal Arts,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期33-40,共8页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国特色文学理论建构的历史经验研究”(18ZDA278)。
关键词 中国特色文学理论 文学 政治 社会结构 文学创作 二元对立 literary theory with Chinese characteristics literature politics social structure literary creation binary opposition
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