
身体与阅读:从具身认知视角看纸阅读与屏阅读的差异 被引量:8

Body and Reading:The Difference between Paper Reading and Electronic Screen Reading from the Perspective of Embodied Cognition
摘要 在当下全民阅读的实践中,人们既希望保持传统纸阅读的稳定高效,也希望发挥新兴数字阅读的方便与快捷。然而,从读者有限的时间和精力上说,传统纸阅读和数字阅读却存在此消彼长的矛盾,因此,在研究过程中需要对两种阅读的差别加以认知,以便协调和平衡两者的关系。为更好地适应新的阅读环境和阅读实践的要求、更好地认知两种阅读类型的差异,人们应该改变传统的阅读认知观念,从具身认知的理论视角上将阅读过程中关涉的身体知觉、物质技术、时空关系等要素视为相互作用,缘构发生的整体性的具身认知活动,这样才能更加细致地辨识传统纸阅读和新兴屏阅读的差异,并对两者的关系以及阅读的本质做出合乎理性的认知。 In the current tendency of reading practice,people not only want to keep the stability and efficiency of traditional paper reading,but also hope to take advantage of the convenience and speed of the new digital reading.However,with the limitation of time and energy,there is a contradiction between the two types of reading.It requires the recognition of the differences between the two types of reading to coordinate and balance the pros and cons.In order to better adapt to the new environment and the requirements of reading practice as well as to understand the cognitive differences between the two types of reading,people should change the traditional reading cognitive perception.Looking at reading from the perspective of embodied cognitive theories and regarding the interaction among physical body cognition,material technology and time-space relation as the wholesome embodied cognitive activities will facilitate more careful identification of the divergence between traditional paper reading and emerging electronic screen reading.More importantly,it is conducive to understand their relationship and the essence of reading rationally.
作者 王颖吉 WANG Ying-ji(School of Arts and Media,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China)
出处 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期20-27,共8页 Editorial Friend
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“胡塞尔传播与媒介思想研究”(20YJA860016)。
关键词 具身认知 纸阅读 屏阅读 差异 embodied cognition paper reading electronic screen reading difference
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