
抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎前出医疗队分梯队培训效果 被引量:6

Analysis on Echelon Training Effect among Medical Team Resisting the New Type of Pneumonia
摘要 目的对前出武汉执行抗击新型肺炎任务的400名医疗队员进行培训,以期有效提高前出人员对抗新型冠状病毒肺炎的治疗与防疫方法,降低自身感染风险,提高救治能力。方法针对不同培训项目组建教员团队。理论培训采用远程授课与现场培训相结合的方式进行。技能操作培训分为护理组、医疗组和保障组三组进行。理论考核采用问卷星编制理论问卷进行考核。技能操作邀请防疫中心对队员进行一对一考核,人员-任务匹配度采用专家面试法,结合《工作适应性量表》进行测评。结果理论成绩48.23±1.84分,手卫生98.74±0.21分,穿脱防护服98.42±1.42分,标本采集98.78±1.33分,理论考核和操作考核共有14个易错点。结论此次培训整体效果较好,强大的师资平台是培训的重要保障,小组式培训与考核有助于培养队员团队精神,基于实战需求灵活调整培训方式和内容能有效提高培训的针对性和实用性。 Objective To train the pioneer staff who carry out the task of fighting new coronavirus pneumonia,in order to effectively improve the treatment and epidemic prevention methods,so as to reduce the infection probability and improve the treatment ability.Methods The teacher team was formed according to different training projects.The theoretical training was carried out by the combination of remote teaching and on-site training.The skills training was divided into three groups:nursing group,medical group and security group.The theoretical assessment was carried out with the theoretical questionnaire compiled by the questionnaire star.The disease control center was invited to conduct one-to-one assessment on team members.The personnel task matching degree was evaluated by expert interview and work adaptability scale.Results The scores were as follows:theoretical knowledge(48.23±1.84),hand hygiene(98.74±0.21),wearing protective clothing(98.42±1.42),specimen collection(98.78±1.33).14 error prone points were pound in the theoretical assessment and operational assessment.Conclusion The overall effect of the training is good.A strong teacher platform is an important guarantee for emergency training.The use of group training and assessment helps to cultivate team spirit.In order to improve the pertinence and practicability of training,the training methods and contents should be adjusted flexibly.
作者 李雪华 田竞 武岳 王冰 LI Xuehua;TIAN Jing;WU Yue;WANG Bing(Department of Radiology,General Hospital of Northern Theater Command of PLA,Shenyang 100840;Medical Service Training Center,General Hospital of Northern Theater Command of PLA,Shenyang 100840;Department of Training,General Hospital of Northern Theater Command of PLA,Shenyang 100840)
出处 《解放军医院管理杂志》 2020年第2期101-104,共4页 Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
基金 军队后勤科研计划项目(CLB18L049) 全军军事理论科研项目(19LBJ1003B) 全军军事理论科研项目(19LBJ1009B)。
关键词 新型肺炎 前出医疗队 分梯队培训 new type pneumonia pioneer medical team echelon training
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