

An Empirical Study on the Education and Health of Children from Urban Poor Families in Tibet
摘要 经过二十多年的发展,西藏已经建立起了新型社会救助体系,基本解决了贫困人群的温饱、医疗和子女的基本教育问题,构筑起了最后一道保障线。采取分层抽样方法对西藏城市低保和低收入家庭进行半结构式访谈,从城市贫困家庭儿童教育和健康的视角对自治区社会救助效益进行评价,发现不存在因为贫穷而辍学的现象,但贫困家庭儿童在兴趣特长发展上显著落后于普通家庭,父母本身的素养大于贫困对儿童的影响;健康方面,有部分家庭认为儿童成长所需的营养不足,并且缺乏对贫困家庭儿童心理健康的援助。建议根据儿童发展的特殊需求,对社会救助项目进行精细化管理,增加服务型救助,建设发展型社会救助体系。 After more than 20 years’ development, Tibet has established a new social assistance system, which basically solves the lacking of food and clothing, medical care and basic education for children, and builds the safety net of protection. This study adopts a stratified sampling method to extract 20 dibao and low-income families for semi-structured interviews to evaluate the social assistance benefits from the perspective of children’s education and health in urban poor families. The study found that there is no phenomenon of dropping out of school due to poverty. However, children in poor families lag significantly behind ordinary families in their development of interest. The quality of parents is greater than the impact of poverty on children. In terms of health, some families think that children lack of basic nutrition needed and mental health services. Taking into account the special needs of children’s development, it could finely manage social assistance projects, increase service-oriented assistance, and build a development-oriented social assistance system.
作者 沈丹 SHEN Dan(School of Finance and Economics,Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang,Shaanxi 100875)
出处 《兴义民族师范学院学报》 2020年第1期7-11,共5页 Journal of Minzu Normal University of Xingyi
基金 西藏民族大学科研项目“西藏自治区社会救助效益评价--城市贫困家庭儿童教育与健康的视角”(项目编号:17MDQ01)。
关键词 社会救助 贫困家庭 儿童教育 儿童健康 Social Assistance Poor Families Child Education Child Health
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