

On the Acceptance of Lu Ji’s Poems Before the Tang Dynasties
摘要 从西晋至唐代,陆机诗歌接受经过曲折历程,由沉寂至兴盛再至衰落,呈螺旋式结构模式,通过接受者的反复演变,陆机诗歌内涵不断深化,主题逐渐清晰,意象趋于经典。大致来说,可分四个阶段,即两晋是萌芽期,南北朝与隋朝是发展期,初盛唐是繁荣期,中晚唐是衰落期。各阶段陆机接受特点明显,蕴含社会时代因素,体现文学审美思潮。具体来说,两晋时期,陆机诗歌部分得到模拟,批评趋于泛化;南北朝与隋朝时期,陆机诗歌得到全面仿效,形成经典话语;初盛唐时期,陆机才性受到赞赏,出现专题解析;中晚唐时期,陆机绮靡受到关注,继承雅正观念。可以说,陆机诗歌接受的兴盛和衰落,既与社会因素、时代风尚,还与陆机诗歌题材、偶像重新选择有关。同时代与后世诗人对陆机多方位的审视、接受,促进了中国古典诗歌的进一步发展、繁荣。 From the Western Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty,the acceptance of Lu Ji's poems went through hard times.From being unknown to the public to being well received and then to being fallen,the acceptance was in a spiral fashion.The changes enriched the understanding of the connotation of his poems,their themes becoming clearer and their images tending to be classic.This period can be divided into four stages,each of which was swayed by social and epochal factors and reflected the trend of literary aesthetics.In the Jin and Jin Dynasties,Lu Ji's poems was only partially imitated and their critique tended to be generalized;in the Northern and Southern Dynasties,they were fully imitated to become classic;in the early and flourishing periods of the Tang Dynasty,Lu Ji's talent was highly appreciated and particular critique was made;in the middle and late periods of the Tang Dynasty,Lu Ji's flattery style drew attention and his concept of elegance was carried on.It can be said that the popularity and decline of the acceptance of Lu Ji's poems were related not only to the social factors and the fashion of the times,but also to the theme of his poems and the re-selection of idols.Poets at that times and later examined Lu Ji’s poems from various dimensions,which furthered the development and prosperity of Chinese classical poetry.
作者 陈璐 CHEN Lu(Department of Chinese,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510275)
机构地区 中山大学中文系
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第1期121-127,共7页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中山大学高校基本科研业务费青年教师培育项目“陆机诗文批评与文本阐释研究”(19wkpy134)
关键词 陆机 诗歌 接受 两晋南北朝 隋唐① Lu Ji Poetry Acceptance Jin Dynasties North and South Dynasties Sui and Tang Dynasties
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