
“妇女与科技”应成为性别平等领域的新关切 被引量:3

“Women and Technology” Should Become a New Concern of Gender Equality
摘要 1995年世界妇女大会已过去25年,《北京行动纲领》设置的12个关切领域仍有待完成,而性别平等领域又涌现出新的议题。进入21世纪的第二个十年,数字时代妇女的发展(Women’s development in the digital age),特别是第四次工业革命对妇女的影响成为国际发展和性别研究领域的一个热点议题,受到越来越多决策者、研究者和实践者的关注,而“妇女与科技”并没有被列入1995年的《北京行动纲领》,也没有成为2015年制定的《2030年可持续发展议程》中的单列目标。科技的发展极大地改变了妇女的生活,对性别平等领域产生了深远的影响;而性别平等观念也应被纳入数字时代的科技发展中。对近5年来中国妇女参与科技发展的情况进行梳理分析发现,“妇女与科技”应成为“北京+25”之后性别平等领域的重要关切领域。 25 years has passed since the 1995 World Conference on Women,however,the 12 areas of concern set by the Beijing Platform for Actions have yet to be completed,and new issues have emerged in gender equality.In the second decade of the 21st century,women’s development in the digital age,especially influence of the 4th Industrial Revolution,has become a hot topic in international development and gender studies,and caught increasing attention of policy makers,researchers and practitioners.Yet the topic of“Women and Technology”was not introduced into the Beijing Platform for Actions,nor was it a separate goal in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,which was endorsed in 2015.The development of science and technology has greatly changed the women’s lives and has a far-reaching impact on gender equality.Gender equality should also be mainstreamed in the development of the digital era.Based on analysis of women’s engagement in science and technology in the latest five years,this paper argues that“Women and Technology”deserves greater concern in gender equality in the post Beijing+25 period.
作者 朱雅兰 ZHU Ya-lan(China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《山东女子学院学报》 2020年第1期57-66,共10页 Journal of Shandong Women's University
关键词 妇女与科技 数字时代 可持续发展议程 《北京行动纲领》 women and technology the digital era 2030:Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) Beijing Platform for Action
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