
感知信念-参照规范影响理论——一个文化适宜健康行为模式的构建与实证 被引量:9

Perceived belief-subjective norm theory: Construction and empirical research of a Chinese culture related health behavioral model
摘要 构建与实证适宜我国文化相关的健康行为理论。在认知-社会影响理论基础上构建文化相关理论模式框架,应用结构方程模型进行统计分析,以医学院生微信使用行为为例进行实证检验,研究样本来自全国不同地区多层次抽样的31个大学11592名医学生。研究论证了所建立的理论框架是合理的。结构方程模型拟合良好(χ^2=422.13,df=16,P<0.01;GIF=0.986,REM=0.049),其结果显示问题感知信念(P<0.01),参照规范与频繁微信使用行为呈现正向关系。感知信念-参照规范影响理论能够解释我国人群健康行为。该理论强调感知信念和参照规范两方面来理解我国人群的健康行为。经过理论和实证的分析验证,该模型可以用于文化相关健康行为问题的研究和疾病预防的实践中。 To construct and test a behavioral theory under Chinese context.Structural equation model(SEM)was conducted to statistical analysis.A culturally relevant theoretical framework was built on cognition-social influence theory,and tested using Wechat data among 11592 medical university students,empirical research was based on medical university students,who were identified through a multi-stage sampling process conducted in 31 Chinese universities.This study demonstrated that the theoretical framework was reasonable.Structural equation modeling met the significant standard(χ^2=422.13,df=16,P<0.01;GIF=0.986;REM=0.049).It found that perceived beliefs(P<0.01)and subjective norms were significantly associated with frequent Wechat use.Perceived belief-subjective norm theory may help explain the Wechat use and other health behaviors of Chinese people,and can be used in health behavior studies with in the Chinese culture.Moreover,the theoretical model could be implicated into the prevention for disease or behavior change.
作者 杨廷忠 YAGN Tingzhong(The Center for Tobacco Control Research,School of Medicine,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310058,China)
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2019年第12期1105-1107,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 国家自然基金重大项目(No.71490733) Global Bridges/IGLC(No.2014SC1 13498319)
关键词 健康行为 感知信念 参照规范 微信使用 Health behavior perceived belief subjective norm Wechat use
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