
黄脚胡蜂生物学特性研究 被引量:6

Bionomics of Vespa velutina Lepeletier(Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
摘要 【目的】黄脚胡蜂(Vespa velutina Lepeletier)是一类重要的经济昆虫和天敌昆虫,对中国云南等地区农林业生产、胡蜂养殖业发展及以其为基础带动农民脱贫致富上起着重要的作用,但其生物学特性目前尚缺少系统的研究报道。为了更好地保护和利用黄脚胡蜂资源,本研究对其主要生物学特性进行了系统研究。【方法】采用室内与野外相结合的方法对该蜂进行系统研究,从其个体发育史、年生活史及主要行为习性和天敌种类等方面详细记述该蜂的生物学特性。【结果】黄脚胡蜂以休眠的成虫形态越冬,翌年3月末至4月初出蛰。该蜂一生共经历卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫4个发育阶段,其中卵期约为4.8 d,幼虫期约为10.3 d,蛹期约为11.1 d,成虫分为蜂王、工蜂和雄蜂三型。自然条件下,该蜂6:00外出活动开始,12:00~14:00活动高峰,20:30活动停止。该蜂常以蛾类、蜜蜂等昆虫为食,偶尔也见其会访问头花蓼(Polygonum capitatum)、蛛丝毛蓝耳草(Cyanotis arachoidea)等植物花朵和取食果实汁液。该蜂多用桉树(Eucalyptus robusta)植物纤维作筑巢材料。该蜂的天敌主要包括同种胡蜂与双色胡蜂(Vespa bicolor)的创始蜂王以及鸟类、蜘蛛和蚂蚁等。【结论】在云南,黄脚胡蜂的发生期为3月,有别于前人报道的5月及无越冬现象。与其他地区的黄脚胡蜂比较,云南地区该蜂在昼夜外出飞行节律、蜂群转移、食物、访问植物种类及天敌种类上均有所差异。该蜂一雌多雄的交配行为与前人报道相同。这些差异可能与黄脚胡蜂对云南高原环境产生生态适应性有关,其适应机制需进一步探索。 [Purpose]Vespa velutina Lepeletier is a kind of economic insect and natural enemy insect in Yunnan and other areas,and plays an important role in the agricultural and the development of the wasp industry and the farmers out of poverty.But its biological characteristics are currently lacking in systematic research.In order to better protect and utilize the wasp,we systematically studied the biological characteristics of the wasp.[Methods]Using the methods of indoor and field,the different stages of the wasp were investigated in detail,we described the biological characteristics of wasps,which related to individual developmental stage,life history,main behavioral habits and natural enemies.[Results]The wasp overwintered in the form of a dormant adult,and it comes out the following year at the end of March to early April next.The wasp experiences the four stages of egg,larva,pupa and adult.The egg stage is about 4.8 d,the larval stage is about 10.3 d,and the pupal stage is about 11.1 d.The adult is divided into three types:the queen,the worker and the male.Under natural conditions,the wasps begin to go out at 6:00,reach its peak at 12:00-14:00 and stops at 20:30.The wasp often feeds on insects such as moths,bees and other insects,and occasionally it visits plant flowers,such as Polygonum capitatum,Cyanotis arachoidea,and the juice of fruit.The nest material of this wasp is mostly the fiber of Eucalyptus robusta.The natural enemies of the wasp mainly include the founder queen of V.velutina and V.bicolor,and birds,spiders and ants.[Conclusion]In Yunnan,the occurrence period of wasps is March,which is different from that reported in May and no overwintering phenomenon.Compared with the other wasps in other areas,there are different in the circadian rhythm,colonies transition,and the species of food,plant species and natural enemies in Yunnan.The mating behavior of the female wasp is similar to that reported by others.These differences may be related to the ecological adaptability of the wasp to the Yunnan plateau envir
作者 池成林 李强 马丽 CHI Chenglin;LI Qiang;MA Li(College of Plant Protection,Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China)
出处 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期933-941,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31402009,31360436)
关键词 黄脚胡蜂 个体发育史 生活史 行为与习性 天敌 Vespa velutina Lepeletier individual development history life history behavior and habit natural enemy
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