湖泊水储量通常采用观测水位和实测水下地形数据相结合的方法进行估算,因此对于无资料或资料匮乏区域很难获得湖泊水储量信息。为了探讨针对这一问题的解决方法,以西藏自治区纳木错为例,基于湖泊水面以上和水下地形具有相似性的特性,利用湖泊水面以上的数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)构建高程与面积的关系以及面积与体积增量的关系,进而对湖泊水下高程—面积—体积增量递推计算,最终构建面积—体积模型从而估算湖泊水储量。试验结果表明,利用湖泊周围地形构建的基于面积的湖泊水储量估算模型具有较高的精度,以纳木错湖盆DEM求得其湖面面积,计算得其水储量为1115.70亿m 3,该结果与基于实测水深数据建立的纳木错水下地形DEM计算的水储量(1019.50亿m 3)相比,绝对误差为96.20亿m 3,相对误差为9.40%。该文为无资料地区水上和水下的地形特征参量基本一致的自然湖泊水储量的估算提供了方法参考。
Lake water reserves are often estimated according to water level observation and manually-measured underwater topography data.As for the lakes which lack data,it is really difficult to obtain the information of lake water reserves.In order to explore the solution of this problem,the authors chose the Nam Co Lake in Tibet as a study case.Based on the features of topography similarities between the above lake level and the under lake level,the authors made use of SRTM DEM of above the lake level to construct the relationshiPbetween the elevation and the area,the area and the volume increment.In turn,the elevation-area-volume increment of the lake's underwater was recalculated.Finally,the authors constructed the area-volume model to calculate the lake water reserves.The result shows that the calculation is of high relative accuracy.According to the area of the lake by using the DEM of the Nam Co Lake basin,the authors calculated the lake water reserves,which reach 111.570 billion m 3.This result is compared with the calculated water reserves of 101.950 billion m 3 in the Nam Co Lake underwater terrain digital elevation model established based on measured water depth data,and its absolute error is 9.620 billion m 3 whereas its relative error is 9.40%.The results obtained by the authors provide a reference for the estimation of natural lake water reserves with consistent water and underwater topographic parameters in data-absent areas.
MA Xiaoqi;LU Shanlong;MA Jin;ZHU Liping(Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Institute,State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;School of Earth Sciences and Resources,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China;College of Information Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018,China;Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources