网上招聘系统是一种具有针对性的人才管理系统,是一个可以让企业和应聘者直接进行交互的招聘平台。国内外不仅有很多专业的招聘网站,很多企业也都建立了自己的网上招聘系统,由此可以看出网络招聘系统对于企业发展的积极作用,网络招聘系统具有巨大的提升潜力。笔者介绍了一个基于PHP动态网站交互技术的校园招聘管理系统的分析、设计与实现过程。为了利用网络便捷、高效的特点,招聘系统采用了B/S架构。采用PHP语言作为服务器端开发技术,使用图形化界面的数据库挂案例软件Navicat for MySQL对数据库进行管理,使用Apache服务器作为服务器系统管理软件。
The online recruitment system is a targeted talent management system,which is a recruitment platform that allows companies and applicants to interact directly.There are not only many professional recruitment websites at home and abroad,but many companies have also established their own online recruitment systems.From this,we can see the positive role of the online recruitment system for enterprise development.The online recruitment system has great potential for improvement.This paper introduces the analysis,design and implementation process of a campus recruitment management system based on PHP dynamic website interaction technology.In order to take advantage of the convenience and efficiency of the network,the recruitment system adopts the B/S architecture.Using PHP language as the server-side development technology,the database is managed by the database hanging case software Navicat for MySQL,and the Apache server is used as the server system management software.
Yang Deng;Wang Sai(Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology,Jilin Jilin 132022,China)
Information & Computer