为揭示耐旱大豆材料对干旱胁迫的生理和分子反应,以耐旱型大豆品种‘吉育88’和‘杂交豆5号’为试验材料,研究中度水分胁迫(10%PEG6000)下9个耐旱生理指标变化和4个干旱胁迫响应基因(BADH1,GmDREBa, GmDREBb和GmERF3)的表达情况,明确大豆中相关干旱响应基因的表达与耐旱生理指标之间的相关性。结果表明,两种大豆材料在干旱胁迫下主要以提高可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、淀粉含量以及保持较高的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性来减少伤害。‘吉育88’和‘杂交豆5号’叶片中4个耐旱基因的表达模式基本一致,均为随胁迫时间的延长先升高后降低。相关性分析表明,‘杂交豆5号’BADH1基因在干旱胁迫9 h的相对表达量与CAT活性显著正相关;GmDREBa基因在干旱胁迫9 h的相对表达量与淀粉含量显著正相关;GmDREBb基因在干旱胁迫24 h的相对表达量与淀粉含量显著正相关;GmERF3基因在干旱胁迫24 h的相对表达量与脱落酸(ABA)含量显著正相关,而在干旱胁迫48 h的相对表达量与细胞分裂素(CTK)含量显著负相关。在考察大豆耐旱性时,这些基因的表达情况可以作为参考指标。
To reveal the physiological and molecular responses of drought-tolerant soybean materials to drought stress, the drought-to lerant soybean varieties ’Jiyu 88’ and ’Hybrid bean 5’ were used to study the changes of 9 physiological indexes of drought tolerance and the expression of 4 drought stress response genes(BADH1, GmDREBa, GmDREBb, and GmERF3) under moderate water stress(10% PEG6000). The correlation between the expression of drought response genes and physiological indexes of drought tolerance in soybean was clarifyed. The results showed that the two soybean materials mainly increased soluble sugar, soluble protein as well as starch content, and kept high catalase(CAT) activity to reduce injury under drought stress. The expression patterns of four drought-tolerant genes in leaves of ’Jiyu 88’ and ’Hybrid bean 5’ were basically the same, all of which increased at first and then decreased with the prolongation of stress time. The correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the relative expression of BADH1 gene and the activity of CAT in’Hybrid bean 5’ under drought stress for 9 h. Under drought stress for 9 h, there existed a significant positive correlation between the relative expression of GmDREBa gene and starch content. A significant positive correlation was found between the relative expression of GmDREBb gene and starch content under drought stress for 24 h. However, there was a significant negative correlation between the relative expression and the content of cytokinin(CTK) under drought stress for 48 h. Based above results, the expression of these genes could be used as a reference index in the study of soybean drought tolerance.
Zhang Chunlan;Cao Shuai;Man Lili;Xiang Dianjun;Liu Peng(College of Life Science,Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao,028042;College of Agriculture,Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao,028042)
Molecular Plant Breeding