随着社会的进步和发展,人们的生活方式发生着深刻的变化。城市的交通拥挤便是这种变化引起的现象之一。论文将以地磁传感器为引导研究对象,通过对地磁不准确的订单的投诉处理及引起订单的各种异常情况的分析得到,唯一正常的订单情况为订单驶入时间和收费员操作订单结束时间之间有且仅有一条报驶离数据,除此之外的订单需要使用JAVA Web和jQuery EasyUI技术通过论文所分析得出的异常情况处理逻辑计算出正确的停车时长并校正订单的驶离时间,同时使用Matlab对这些异常车位所对应的地磁数据进行分析总结确定出新的阈值或添加新的判定条件提高检测率。以此来保障整个停车收费系统的稳定,同时给交通管理部门和消费者提供一个满意的服务。并且经过验证表明:该异常情况处理逻辑可以应用到地磁泊位收费系统中,并且成功的对停车计时驶离时间做了校正。同时在实际应用中经过统计得出因地磁不准确所造成的投诉由平均每天62条降至44条。
With the progress and development of society,people's way of life has changed profoundly.The traffic congestion in the city is one of the phenomena caused by this change.This article will take geomagnetic sensor as the research object,and get the results through the analysis of the complaints of geomagnetic parking space orders and the various situations that generate abnormal orders.The normal situation is that there is only one departure data between the entry time of the vehicle in the order and the time when the toller ends the order.Unusual orders require JAVA Web and jQuery EasyUI technology to handle anomalies and calculate the correct parking duration and order departure time.At the same time,Matlab is used to analyze and summarize the geomagnetic data corresponding to these abnormal orders,and a new threshold is calculated or new judgment conditions is added to improve the detection rate.This will ensure the stability of the entire parking toll system,and provide a satisfactory service to the traffic management department and consumers.And it has been verified that the abnormal situation processing logic can be applied to the geomagnetic berth parking system,and the parking time of the parking is successfully corrected.and the success of the parking time is adjusted.At the same time,in actual applications,the statistics caused by the inaccuracy of geomagnetism decreased from 62 to 44 per day.
LI Xiangrong;ZHANG Mingke;FAN Fuhai(College of Electrical Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266061)
Computer & Digital Engineering