在进行余甘子的化学成分、食疗保健功能、药理学等方面研究的同时 ,收集了国内外的有关资料 ,从余甘子的化学成分、药理学、临床应用以及在国内外民族民间传统医药中的应用作了较为系统的综述 。
This author has been engaged in the study for years on the compositions of Phylanthus emblica and its healthy functions both as food and medicine as well as its pharmacology. After referring to a lot of related papers and literatures in this field, this author presents a detailed description of its compositions, pharmacology, clinic tests and the application in the traditional medicine among different ethnical groups in both China and abroad. What has been done by this author can provide a scientific foundation for the development of compound medicinal products of Phylanthus emblica.
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy