:高校实验教学是使学生在特定的环境下通过自身主观努力完成的教学过程。它在发展学生能力等方面具有特定的优势 ,它的直观性、实践性、综合性、创造性是不可替代的。实验教学 ,是深化理论知识 ,掌握实验技能 ,培养创新思维的重要环节 ,对启发学生的形象思维和创新意识 ,起着点石成金的作用。实验教学是创造型人才培养目标的重要教学环节 。
Experimental teaching can make students who study hard complete their teaching process under special circumstances. There are some particular merits in developing student's abilities and some other characters. The object teaching, practicality, synthesis and creativity of college students are very necessary and can't be replaced by any activities. The experimental teaching makes college students understand their lessons deeply, learn experimental technologies and develop their creative idea, so it is a very important process to some extent. It is also a necessary process of developing creative college students and an effective way of developing quality\|oriented education in colleges and universities.
Journal of Shenyang Architectural and Civil Engineering University(Social Science)