目的 探讨先天性静脉畸形骨肥大综合征的诊断依据及治疗方法 ,提高治疗效果。 方法 对 5例患者诊断与治疗的观察、分析、总结影像片及特征性体征 ,并结合文献资料 ,不断完善对此病的认识。 结果 5例患者近期症状均改善 ,患肢葡萄酒色红斑变淡 ,病灶明显减少 ,患肢周径缩小 ,溃疡愈合。随访时间 1~ 44年 ,1例失访。1例股浅动脉结扎、病灶切除术 44年后再复发 ,2例手术治疗者分别随访 2年、4年 ,血管瘤样病变无复发 ,患肢无继续增生 ,酸胀感明显减轻。弹力绷带保守治疗的患儿随访仅 1年 ,有待进一步观察。 结论 先天性静脉畸形骨肥大综合征一旦确诊后 ,应尽早手术 ,时机宜选择在青春发育期前 。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic criteria and therapeutic method of the Klippel Trenaunay syndrome. Methods Among 5 cases, there were 2 males and 3 females aged from 11 days to 73 years. Vasography was carried out in all five patients and MRA was performed in one patient. Results After operation, the symptoms improved in 4 cases: the portine like erythemas on their limbs got unclear; the focuses diminished obviously; the circumferences of the suffered limbs shrank and the ulcer healed. For following up period was not long enough, the long term therapeatic result was still uncertain. Conclusion Once the diagnosis of the Klippel Trenaunay syndrome was made, operation should be performed as early as possible. If the surgical time is selected in prepuberty, optimal result can be expected.
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery